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chin - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of chin in Hindi

  • ठोड़ी
  • ठुड्डी
  • चिबुक
  • ठोढ़ी


  • गपशप करना
  • बकना

chin Definition


  • draw one's body up so as to bring one's chin level with or above (a horizontal bar) with one's feet off the ground, as an exercise. ( किसी के शरीर को ऊपर खींचना ताकि व्यायाम के रूप में किसी के पैरों का ज़मीन से ऊपर या ऊपर (एक क्षैतिज पट्टी) जमीन के साथ आना। )


  • the protruding part of the face below the mouth, formed by the apex of the lower jaw. ( निचले जबड़े के शीर्ष द्वारा गठित मुंह के नीचे का फैला हुआ भाग। )

chin Example

  • The King took the paper and began reading it, scratching his bearded chin .
  • She leaned her elbows on the windowsill, resting her chin in her hands.
  • grey stubble covered his cheeks and chin
  • He had brown eyebrows and some brown facial growth on his chin and around his mouth.
  • She walked over, encircled her arms about his waist, and propped her chin on his shoulder.
  • Her face was delicately formed with a thin, shapely nose and a slightly pointed chin .
  • The girl's chin quivered, but she did not cry.
  • His fingertips brushed my chin as out our mouths collided, and passionately we kissed under the stars.
  • He pulled her closer to him, cupping her chin in the palm of his hand.
  • The victim suffered severe cuts to the upper lip, lower lip, the chin and into his neck.
  • I lifted his chin with a finger and he stared reluctantly into my eyes.
  • In trying on the helmet, you must hold it by the chin straps.
  • Adrian shook his head, lowering his chin and raising his hand to check his wig was on straight.
  • Ant cupped his chin in his palm as he sized up his brother.
  • each boy must chin a bar four times
  • He backs slowly away from the door and scratches his chin in thought.
  • Glancing down the hallway, he rubbed his chin thoughtfully then tapped out another set of numbers.
  • He had a slightly pointed chin , and flecks of stubble grew there.
  • Coby lightly rubbed his chin on my shoulder when a laugh peeled out.
  • He yelled, while he stroked his pointy chin with his clawed right hand.
  • he looked about ready to chin someone
  • I sat down at the kitchen table and rested my chin in my hands.
  • Typical adult females have smaller jaws, noses, and chins , and thus eyes and cheekbones that are more prominent and appear to be larger than in typical males.
  • He raised himself to the top of the crib and chinned himself a couple of times.
  • By the time bombardier Billy Wood and navigator John Wilson chinned themselves into position through the nose hatch, I had pumped some of the ground crew for the naked lady's background.
  • From the very start of his bodybuilding career, the Oak made chinning a priority in his workouts.
  • In sports, this move improves performance of pulling and lifting actions, as seen in the martial arts, chinning , and rope, mountain and rock climbing.