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chew - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of chew in Hindi

  • चबाने
  • चबाना
  • जुगल करना


  • जुगल
  • जुगाली
  • पागुर
  • चर्वण
  • चिंतन करना

chew Definition


  • bite and work (food) in the mouth with the teeth, especially to make it easier to swallow. ( काटने और काम (भोजन) दांतों के साथ मुंह में, विशेष रूप से निगलने में आसान बनाने के लिए। )


  • a repeated biting or gnawing of something. ( किसी चीज को बार-बार काटने या कुतरना। )

chew Example

  • She was so hungry she could hardly chew the food. ( उसे इतनी भूख थी कि वह शायद ही खाना चबा सके। )
  • The Indians chew this red weed, like some people chew tobacco, and of course this leads to a build up of red spit which needs to be deposited. ( भारतीयों ने इस लाल घास को चबाया, जैसे कुछ लोग तंबाकू चबाते हैं, और निश्चित रूप से यह लाल थूक का निर्माण होता है जिसे जमा करने की आवश्यकता होती है। )
  • Baby teeth are important because children need healthy teeth to chew food and to speak. ( बच्चे के दांत महत्वपूर्ण हैं क्योंकि बच्चों को भोजन चबाने और बोलने के लिए स्वस्थ दांतों की आवश्यकता होती है। )
  • She was smacking loudly on a chew of gum as she went to give her son a bear hug and a kiss. ( वह गम के एक चबाने पर जोर से मारना था के रूप में वह अपने बेटे को एक भालू गले और एक चुम्बन देना भी चला गया। )

More Sentence

  • Smokeless tobacco - spit tobacco, chew , snuff or dip - is just as dangerous.
  • So, chucking her a pork based chew , I picked up my keys and ran to David.
  • Seahorses have no stomachs or teeth and are therefore unable to store large meals or chew their food.
  • Her huge lips smacked together with each chew of gum that gave off a putrid, sickening watermelon stench.
  • a chew of tobacco
  • Next, they plan to test which versions of the chew toys dogs like best.
  • A woman was standing over him and a dog was playing with a chew toy on the floor.
  • They chew their nails, lick their lips, jump over cracks in the pavement.
  • When you eat, you only put as much food in your mouth as you can comfortably chew with your mouth closed.
  • Through the gap, I turned to see a seal having a gentle chew .
  • During playtime, the purebred German shepherd will run circles around anyone wearing sealskin and whine for a chew .
  • He's going to have a good chew on the marrow and it gives him something to hold, he said.
  • The bulldozer driver gives a quick chew of his gum and slams in the clutch.
  • He pulled out his pouch of tobacco and took out a chew .
  • Her teeth were too sensitive to chew her food and her eyes were too sensitive to have the dining hall curtains open for sunlight.
  • Teach children to chew food more slowly and savour the food.
  • They say the bigger the apple the juicier the chew .
  • Her eyes moved about in worry and she began to chew her bottom lip nervously.
  • People who chew food with their mouths open should be beaten to death with plates.
  • the dog was enjoying a quiet chew of his bone
  • a gobstopper or a chew could be bought for a farthing
  • In fact I can't go half a mile on the car without a chew .
  • She followed the noise to find two medium-sized dogs tugging and tearing at either end of a chew toy.
  • The dog chew would be manufactured from scrap cow skin using a special type of machine specifically designed for this purpose which was purchased from South Africa.
  • They put the leaves one by one in their mouth and chew them without swallowing.
  • a dog chew