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chess - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of chess in Hindi

  • शतरंज
  • चैस
  • शतरंज का खेल
  • चतुरंग

chess Definition

  • a board game of strategic skill for two players, played on a checkered board. Each player begins the game with sixteen pieces that are moved and used to capture opposing pieces according to precise rules. The object is to put the opponent's king under a direct attack from which escape is impossible ( checkmate ). ( दो खिलाड़ियों के लिए रणनीतिक कौशल का एक बोर्ड गेम, एक चेकर बोर्ड पर खेला जाता है। प्रत्येक खिलाड़ी खेल की शुरुआत सोलह टुकड़ों के साथ करता है, जिन्हें स्थानांतरित किया जाता है और सटीक नियमों के अनुसार विरोध करने वाले टुकड़ों को पकड़ने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है। ऑब्जेक्ट को प्रतिद्वंद्वी के राजा को एक सीधे हमले के तहत रखा जाता है जिसमें से बचना असंभव (चेकमेट) है। )

chess Example

  • This would be more fun if I had the faintest idea how to play chess with any strategy. ( यह अधिक मजेदार होगा यदि मेरे पास बेहूदा विचार है कि किसी भी रणनीति के साथ शतरंज कैसे खेला जाए। )
  • His childhood pastimes were playing chess , reading music, and playing the guitar. ( उनके बचपन के अतीत शतरंज खेलने, संगीत पढ़ने और गिटार बजाने के थे। )
  • a game of chess ( शतरंज का खेल )
  • He loves to play chess , often bringing his board with him on the bus, or staying up all night playing Eduardo. ( वह शतरंज खेलना पसंद करता है, अक्सर बस में अपने साथ अपना बोर्ड लाता है, या पूरी रात एडुआर्डो खेलता रहता है। )
  • You are good at strategy and probably enjoy games requiring mental skill, such as bridge and chess . ( आप रणनीति में अच्छे हैं और शायद मानसिक कौशल की आवश्यकता वाले खेल जैसे पुल और शतरंज का आनंद लेते हैं। )
  • His other interests outside mathematics included tennis, golf, chess and bridge. ( गणित के बाहर उनके अन्य हितों में टेनिस, गोल्फ, शतरंज और पुल शामिल थे। )

More Sentence

  • I love to try to bring chess to larger audiences, and show that it's a fun game.
  • I always considered the ultimate embarrassment in chess to be when you lose your queen to a pawn.
  • All I got from my father was the ability to play chess and think several moves ahead at all times.
  • In chess , however, it is almost always a great advantage to be next to move.
  • I'm having a coffee and tackling a game of chess with my younger brother, Ronan.
  • It is not very clear what impact the match and its result will have on chess .
  • The first rule of chess is that the board is to be positioned so that a white square is in the right-hand corner.
  • he plays chess
  • I'd seen him play people as if there were mere pawns in a cosmic game of chess .
  • Between rounds, he breathes evenly, as though he has spent the past three minutes playing chess .
  • The origins of chess have been much discussed but remain obscure, since it developed over time.
  • Imagine that you are sitting on a park bench playing chess with someone you don't know.
  • This gives it a unique character, more akin to a board game such as chess than to a normal card game.
  • The newspaper is particularly useful for those players who want to make progress in chess .
  • It will include wooden panelling and furniture, balance beam and games such as draughts and chess .
  • Both were child prodigies in chess , quickly rising to their respective nations' top slots.