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cheery - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of cheery in Hindi

  • प्रसन्न
  • हर्षित
  • मग्न
  • आनंदमय
  • आनंद देनेवाला
  • प्रफुल्ल
  • ख़ुश
  • ज़िंदादिल
  • ख़ुशदिल

cheery Definition

  • happy and optimistic. ( खुश और आशावादी। )

cheery Example

  • He and his cheery smile and kind nature will be missed by so many people in Otley ( वह और उसकी हंसमुख मुस्कान और दयालु प्रकृति ओटले में कई लोगों द्वारा याद की जाएगी )
  • So I headed off with a cheery smile at having escaped from the maze of never ending aisles. ( इसलिए मैंने कभी न खत्म होने वाले चक्रव्यूह के चक्रव्यूह से निकलने के लिए एक हँसमुख मुस्कान के साथ नेतृत्व किया। )
  • Soft music would now be heard on the background, and happy and cheery voices as well. ( शीतल संगीत अब पृष्ठभूमि पर सुनाई देगा, और खुश और खुशमिजाज आवाज भी। )
  • She said that she knew all the children and their parents well and each one said a cheery good-morning as they passed by. ( उसने कहा कि वह सभी बच्चों और उनके माता-पिता को अच्छी तरह से जानती थी और हर एक ने सुबह-सुबह एक खुशखबरी सुनाई। )

More Sentence

  • He loves the wilds of Upper Wharfedale, where the locals always greet him and his crew with a cheery wave and a smile.
  • Isn't it funny how something intended to be cheery can in fact be so perversely irritating?
  • A visit and a cheery chat with someone will bring in life and sunshine and make a bleak day pass quickly.
  • It was a cheery , chatty atmosphere tempered with solemnity at each and every shrine where offerings were made.
  • I sat and waited, listening to cheery early morning conversation from the staff on the other side of the blind.
  • I stay at a youth hostel painted in cheery primary colours and with a roof angled as severely as any Swiss chalet.
  • The clerks can be extra cheery , since the end of the shift is right around the corner.
  • I'm trying to keep a cheery face on and make things as happy as possible.
  • He had been in declining health for sometime, yet maintained a cheery disposition to the end.
  • She painted on a smile and a cheery disposition and let the world think she was okay.
  • Busy fraudsters spend their days sending out hundreds of cheery messages in the hope of conning people out of cash.
  • He is always ready with a cheery smile and wave, and is famous for sheltering passengers with his own umbrella.
  • It's true that the atmosphere back in the office when I got back wasn't quite as cheery as the one when I left.
  • The day had dawned bright and cheery , and even now, a summer sun warmed up the blue sky.
  • They are cheery in tone, full of encouragement, bright ideas and suggestions as to how to get your kid to eat liver.
  • He has a wonderfully cheery disposition and is very popular with his friends in his local school.
  • But how much relentless cheeriness can the average person take?
  • That number rings fifteen times before the human pops-on with practiced cheeriness : ‘How may I help you?’
  • Polite to the last, he cheerily refused a replacement.
  • I wave cheerily to the grey-haired security man who, perhaps momentarily confused, waves back and raises the barrier.
  • In place of anything resembling cheeriness he has a wickedly dark humour, a gift for satire and an imagination powerful enough to leap the space-time continuum in his fiction.
  • The announcer is cheerily discussing all the security precautions, laughing about them.
  • One justification for his cheeriness was the knowledge that performing well against the world champion would enhance the validity of his comeback.
  • Having travelled down from Aberdeen on the train, the Australian cheerily announces his next destination as Glasgow airport.
  • The other car drove by and we waved cheerily at the old men.
  • What is entirely missing from his approach is any cheeriness .