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checkbook - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of checkbook in Hindi

  • रसीद बुक

checkbook Definition

  • a book of blank checks with a register for recording checks written. ( लिखित जांच के लिए एक रजिस्टर के साथ खाली चेक की एक पुस्तक। )

checkbook Example

  • Maybe meeting a mortgage and balancing a checkbook doesn't make for good theater. ( शायद एक बंधक से मिलना और एक चेकबुक को संतुलित करना अच्छे थिएटर के लिए नहीं है। )
  • Not many of us can break out the checkbook and write a check to cover such business expenses. ( हम में से बहुत से लोग चेकबुक को तोड़ नहीं सकते हैं और ऐसे व्यावसायिक खर्चों को कवर करने के लिए एक चेक लिख सकते हैं। )
  • We took our checkbook with us, and planned to fill out the preliminary application while we were there if we liked the agency. ( हमने अपनी चेकबुक अपने साथ ले ली, और अगर हम एजेंसी को पसंद करते हैं तो प्रारंभिक आवेदन भरने की योजना बना रहे हैं। )
  • And she got our her checkbook and wrote me a check for the bill - and paid for all 450 guests. ( और उसने हमारी चेकबुक प्राप्त की और मुझे बिल के लिए एक चेक लिखा - और सभी 450 मेहमानों के लिए भुगतान किया। )

More Sentence

  • It is true that I own the money in the account, and I certainly double-check my bank by balancing my checkbook .
  • Arriving at the restaurant, I grab my checkbook and hope for the best.
  • He, without giving me a chance, pulled out his checkbook and wrote them a check.
  • This is what happens when you combine profligate spending with a complete lack of interest in balancing your checkbook .
  • For the next six years I learned to live the way the rest of the world lives, on credit and a precariously balanced checkbook .
  • Joe took out his checkbook and wrote out the check and handed it to the worker.
  • Cashiers seem surprised, almost bothered, when I pull out the checkbook .
  • The checkbook clicked open and she began writing for the electric bill.
  • The study found that only 36 percent of teens know how to open a savings account, and even less know how to balance a checkbook .
  • Many malls and big box stores will open long before dawn with deep discounts, in-store promotions and anything to get spenders and their checkbooks out of bed.
  • It's amazing how relaxed I feel once my room is clean and errands have been run and deadlines have been met and checkbooks have been balanced.
  • A large chunk of its nearly $3 million budget came from their personal checkbooks .
  • So the checkbooks come out and we write our modest contributions to one or another US-based group that sends funds to India.
  • We turned these stamps into the federal agency in charge and were given checkbooks with a total number of credits for all the stamps we had submitted.
  • The more things you carry, checkbooks and credit cards, the more you give them to steal.
  • Her home checkbooks , computers, private papers and car were seized.