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chap - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of chap in Hindi

  • बच्चू
  • आदमी
  • लड़का
  • मनुष्य
  • तड़कना
  • फटना
  • फट जाना
  • कड़कना


  • शिगाफ़
  • लौंडा
  • छोकरा
  • बाल
  • दरार
  • छेद

chap Definition


  • (of the skin) become cracked, rough, or sore, typically through exposure to cold weather. ( (त्वचा की) दरार, खुरदरी, या खट्टी हो जाती है, आमतौर पर ठंड के मौसम के संपर्क में आने से। )


  • a cracked or sore patch on the skin. ( त्वचा पर एक दरार या गले में खराश। )
  • lower jaw or half of the cheek, especially that of a pig used as food. ( निचले जबड़े या गाल का आधा हिस्सा, विशेष रूप से भोजन के रूप में इस्तेमाल किया जाने वाला सुअर। )

chap Example

  • My dear old chap , I do believe you're right. ( मेरा प्रिय पुराना चैप, मुझे विश्वास है कि आप सही हैं। )
  • ‘Don't expect much from her, chap ,’ whispered John as they entered a new room. ( They जॉन से बहुत उम्मीद न करें, क्योंकि वे एक नए कमरे में दाखिल हुए थे। )
  • He was such a lovely, cheeky chap . ( वह इतनी प्यारी, चुटीली चपड़ी थी। )
  • He is a nervy, jumpy sort of a chap , who follows people with his eyes as they move about a room. ( वह एक चापलूसी की तरह एक घिनौना, उछल-कूद करने वाला व्यक्ति है, जो अपनी आंखों से लोगों का अनुसरण करता है क्योंकि वे एक कमरे में रहते हैं। )
  • This chap was going out with one of my best friends at university. ( यह चैप विश्वविद्यालय में मेरे सबसे अच्छे दोस्तों में से एक के साथ बाहर जा रहा था। )

More Sentence

  • he sounded like a nice, caring sort of chap
  • Eventually I received a tap on the shoulder by an official looking older chap who wanted to know why I was taking photos.
  • Can you believe it, some chap with a beard stole my clothes at gunpoint?
  • Bloody nice job old chap - I knew it would all work out!
  • Eventually, I talked to a chap who promised to sort things out and he asked me to fax the bill through.
  • Britain's most famous survival expert is clearly not the sort of chap to indulge himself with superfluous gadgets.
  • You hire a bouncer because you want to keep people out, whereas a restaurant is the sort of place where a chap wants to feel that they want him to come in.
  • He is described as a quiet man, and by one acquaintance as a ‘strange sort of chap .’
  • Propped against the bar, to one side of my father stood his mate Barry - a jovial sort of chap , but full of blunt Yorkshire bluster and some cutting comments about my colourful shirt.
  • Winter air can chap the skin of children and adults, which can lead to winter itch.
  • I say, old chap , you seem to have a bit of a problem in your news and current affairs departments.
  • This tall, dark and lithe chap hoovers up food and never gains an ounce, whilst I weep for my waistline.
  • People with eczema and allergies tend to have lips that chap easily.
  • I have one customer, a chap in his seventies, an ex-engineer who collects knives and swords; he owns more than 400 of them, all different.
  • A cute picture of the kids tells a man's colleagues that he's a well-rounded chap who loves his family.
  • ‘He was, surprisingly, quite a quiet chap ,’ recalls the Scot.
  • Pardon me, old chap , but aren't you getting just a bit ahead of yourself in rather an offensive manner?
  • He was a laid-back and friendly chap who loved a beer and his sport.
  • After another twenty minutes on hold, I finally spoke to a friendly chap who told me they had six staff to take calls from their entire network of customers.
  • Just this morning we took delivery (from a very nice chap named Mike) of three vintage typewriters.
  • The best male singer was a chap called Stanley who the audience showed wild appreciation for.
  • "This chap came up and introduced himself as Jeff, " she said.
  • best of luck, old chap
  • To be fully effective, it is necessary to use a moisturizer three or more times daily, in the same way that chapped hands in the winter need many treatments.
  • Dairy farmers learned long ago that the salves they used to prevent cows' udders from chapping also worked beautifully for their own hands.