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chaos - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of chaos in Hindi

  • अराजकता
  • अव्यवस्था
  • गड़बड़ी
  • गड़बड़
  • अस्तव्यस्तता
  • विशृंखलता
  • उथल-पुथल
  • अक्रम
  • गोलमाल

chaos Definition

complete disorder and confusion.

chaos Example

  • Motorists in south Essex slipped and slithered to work today as the first snow of winter caused chaos on the roads. ( दक्षिण एसेक्स में मोटर चालक फिसल गए और आज काम करने के लिए फिसल गए क्योंकि सर्दियों की पहली बर्फ सड़कों पर अराजकता का कारण बनी। )
  • They thrive on disruption and chaos , and seek to complicate any chance for a negotiated solution. ( वे विघटन और अराजकता पर पनपते हैं, और बातचीत के समाधान के लिए किसी भी मौके को जटिल बनाने की कोशिश करते हैं। ) 
  • I am whisked through the doors to a chaos of people and boxes and props on the other side. ( मैं दरवाजे के माध्यम से लोगों और बक्से की एक अराजकता और दूसरी तरफ सहारा के लिए whisked हूँ। )
  • The biggest risk from a dirty bomb is the chaos and confusion caused by mass panic. ( गंदे बम से सबसे बड़ा जोखिम सामूहिक दहशत के कारण होने वाली अराजकता और भ्रम है। )

More Sentence

  • Road bosses are aiming to prevent a repeat of last winter's chaos when the region is plunged into deep freeze next week.
  • snow caused chaos in the region
  • The thing about strange attractors is that they bring their own kind of beautiful order to chaos, but it is still chaos .
  • They had known each other since the advent of the chaos that existed before time gave its birth cry.
  • There is, however, the universal law that brings about order out of chaos and creates harmony.
  • The phenomenon of chaos is still not completely understood and mathematicians work on it even today.
  • The stoppage will cripple services across this region, leading to chaos for passengers.
  • Her desire to get what she wants throws her life into a chaos she may not be able to escape from.
  • Interestingly, this view is increasingly embraced by theories of dynamical systems and chaos .
  • Council bosses have been urged to consider buying extra gritting vehicles after this week's snow chaos .
  • Resulting restrictions and traffic chaos will throw the entire area into turmoil for up to four hours.
  • Department stores commonly have chaos and pandemonium on their floors, and this one was the same.
  • However, in trying to create the ideal world for just the motorist for so long, it now creates chaos and havoc for everyone.
  • You find yourself at the brink of an important change that brings emotional chaos and confusion today.
  • Creation stories describe in various ways the essential struggle between chaos and form.
  • A great example of a nonlinear system exhibiting chaos is all around you: the weather.
  • Snow caused commuter chaos across the region today and closed both runways at Manchester Airport.
  • Violent thunderstorms and rain caused chaos on the region's roads and railways last night.
  • the country was in chaos
  • We just happen, in this picture, to be in a Universe produced by a random fluctuation within the chaos .
  • His work seems to depict the confusion, guilt, uncertainty and chaos of modern life.
  • That's the way to create the impression of confusion, panic and chaos .
  • In a situation of total economic chaos , only a small number of profiteers have something to gain.
  • When law and order break down in a country it must be the first step towards anarchy and chaos .
  • there was chaos after the riots
  • For the present it's a chaos of building and redevelopment projects spread out over a maze of roadworks.