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chamber - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of chamber in Hindi

  • कक्ष
  • सदन
  • कमरा
  • प्रकोष्ठ
  • कोठरी
  • शयनगृह
  • मण्डल
  • सभा
  • कोष्ठ


  • कमरे का


  • सेल में डालना

chamber Definition


  • a large room used for formal or public events. ( औपचारिक या सार्वजनिक कार्यक्रमों के लिए उपयोग किया जाने वाला एक बड़ा कमरा। )
  • a private room, typically a bedroom. ( एक निजी कमरा, आमतौर पर एक बेडरूम। )
  • an enclosed space or cavity. ( एक संलग्न स्थान या गुहा। )
  • of or for a small group of instruments. ( या उपकरणों के एक छोटे समूह के लिए। )


  • place (a bullet) into the chamber of a gun. ( एक बंदूक के कक्ष में जगह (एक गोली)। )

chamber Example

  • Morpheus the Cold was meditating in his underground chamber . ( मॉर्फियस द कोल्ड अपने चैंबर में ध्यान कर रहा था। )
  • The centre provides a focal point for MS people offering a physiotherapy area, oxygen chamber , private meeting room and relaxing area for coffee mornings. ( यह केंद्र MS लोगों को फिजियोथेरेपी क्षेत्र, ऑक्सीजन कक्ष, निजी बैठक कक्ष और कॉफी मॉर्निंग के लिए आराम क्षेत्र की पेशकश के लिए एक केंद्र बिंदु प्रदान करता है। )
  • In passing legislation in this chamber , if that legislation does not have a sunset clause we have to take that into consideration. ( इस चैम्बर में कानून पारित करने में, अगर उस कानून में सूर्यास्त का खंड नहीं है तो हमें उस पर विचार करना होगा। )
  • The heat nowhere near approaches the heat needed to melt lead, even in the enclosed chamber . ( निकटवर्ती कक्ष में भी, गर्मी कहीं भी पिघलने के लिए आवश्यक ताप के समीप पहुंचती है। )
  • An underground chamber can't be put on the back of a truck and moved out. ( एक भूमिगत चैम्बर को ट्रक के पीछे नहीं रखा जा सकता है और बाहर नहीं निकाला जा सकता है। )

More Sentence

  • A political storm blew up in the Town Council's chamber during the estimates meeting.
  • Lethal injection is utilized in 35 states and the gas chamber is used in 5 states.
  • He remembered something from boy-scout camp about having to chamber a bullet in an automatic before you could begin firing.
  • The last time they met in the crescent chamber , it was in funeral black, with Donald Dewar's seat left empty to mark their grief.
  • The demonstrators were arrested in September after they stormed into the Commons chamber and brought the debate on a hunting ban to a halt.
  • They were huddled in a small chamber several feet underground.
  • This leaves a good portion of that long neck fire formed to the chamber and helps in aligning the bullet with the bore.
  • The orchestra was founded in 1951 by eight soloists from the most highly respected Viennese orchestras and chamber music ensembles.
  • a council chamber
  • Eerie silence surrounds the Legco (legislative council) chamber as Leung pulls out a pack of tissues from her bag and wipes Tsang's eyes.
  • Back underground the now seasoned tunnel fighters quickly despatch a zombie and another ghoul and then pause for elevenses in an underground chamber .
  • Both parents help build the burrow and nest chamber , which is lined with leaves, twigs, and pebbles.
  • The culprits entered, pulled open a grate to the underground chamber , but ignored Toscanini's coffin.
  • Some ammonites change considerably the shape of their terminal body chamber .
  • His encounters with Donald in the parliament debating chamber had noticeably failed to land the punches expected of him.
  • The Old House of Keys is Tynwald's former parliamentary chamber , and has been restored to its mid-18 th-century glory.
  • the upper chamber
  • Cleaning the No.1 is a cinch because the chamber , bore and face of the breechblock are so accessible.
  • Although designed as a legislative chamber , its form had generated an extra function.
  • Finally, it is the day Carter has been waiting for all his life and he is delighted when he can officially open the burial chamber of Tutankhamun.
  • An officer had to crawl through the narrow space leading to the chamber .
  • Be sure to grip the fruit firmly behind the eyes where the neck meets the seed chamber , failure to do so may result in the fruit biting you.
  • From these ramps, visitors may look either at breathtaking views of the city outside or at the deputies chamber of parliament directly below.
  • He entered the council chamber and went to stand by a tall, leaded window.
  • Using historical photographs, they restored the rotunda and legislative chamber to their original antebellum style.