certitude - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of certitude in Hindi
- यक़ीन
- निश्चय
- निश्चितता
- दृढ़ विश्वास
certitude Definition
- absolute certainty or conviction that something is the case. ( पूर्ण निश्चितता या दृढ़ विश्वास कि कुछ मामला है। )
certitude Example
- Certainly in this book, his fine poems about his family represent an enquiry into his own roots, a questioning of his own motives, which is lacking in his earlier and middle poems with their pristine certitude . ( निश्चित रूप से इस पुस्तक में, उनके परिवार के बारे में उनकी अच्छी कविताएँ उनकी अपनी जड़ों की एक पूछताछ, उनके स्वयं के उद्देश्यों की एक पूछताछ का प्रतिनिधित्व करती हैं, जो कि उनके पहले और मध्य की कविताओं में उनकी प्राचीन प्रामाणिकता के साथ कमी है। )
- One has certitude derived from a conviction that she is doctrinally correct. ( किसी के पास एक दृढ़ विश्वास है कि वह सैद्धांतिक रूप से सही है। )
- It should grow in self confidence and regain its lost conviction and certitude in its own faith: a conviction which enabled the ancient Muslims to meet all temporal challenges. ( यह आत्मविश्वास में बढ़ जाना चाहिए और अपने खोए हुए विश्वास और अपने स्वयं के विश्वास में प्रामाणिकता हासिल करना चाहिए: एक ऐसा विश्वास जिसने प्राचीन मुसलमानों को सभी लौकिक चुनौतियों का सामना करने में सक्षम बनाया। )
- But this administration's outward certitude amid undisclosed intelligence-community doubts was more selective, and thus more misleading, than it needed to be. ( लेकिन अघोषित खुफिया-सामुदायिक शंकाओं के बीच इस प्रशासन का बाहरी प्रमाणिकता अधिक चयनात्मक था, और इस तरह यह अधिक भ्रामक था, जिसकी आवश्यकता थी। )
- People are looking for the clear answers, right and wrong, to give certitude in the time of great uncertainty, when no one knows what will happen next. ( लोग बड़ी अनिश्चितता के समय में स्पष्ट जवाब देने के लिए, सही और गलत, स्पष्ट उत्तरों की तलाश कर रहे हैं, जब कोई नहीं जानता कि आगे क्या होगा। )
More Sentence
- True, certitude of convictions can signify moral strength, but that's so rare.
- But I think - okay, I also hope - that Voegelin is right to suggest that, in the modern world, sincere faith reduces rather than increases the risk of excessive existential certitude .
- They were given with absolute certitude , a staccato recitation of poll numbers, grand strategy, and historical analogies.
- The stories are awful and fascinating, yet it recreates the utter human chaos with character economy, tact and absolute certitude .
- I mean, but would I ever say with absolute, you know, 100% certitude that we're safe?
- All had clashed with their civilian superiors, and their campaigns imploded for the same reasons that led to those clashes: assertions of intellectual superiority, moral certitude and the lack of a common touch.
- The title of the piece was Open Letter from a Writer to the Military Junta and it skillfully attacked the dictatorship with an arsenal of reason, facts and moral certitude .
- But that did not increase my certitude that he was indeed the answer to my prayer for I was already, by the grace of Heaven, as certain as I could be.
- the question may never be answered with certitude
- This does not mean that we should reject the findings of those efforts outright; they are helpful to an extent, but they ultimately cannot achieve the level of certitude that historians of a more positivist age claimed for them.
- ‘The moral certitude of the radicals was awesome,’ Field says.
- Two devastating world wars and 50 years of global conflict later, it's easy to laugh at the naïve certitude of Angell's thesis, but at the time such certitude was widely and deeply held.
- Ally this certitude to an almost faultless ear, a sureness of touch, and his first three books are a remarkable achievement for a poet not yet 30.
- When one sees the words ‘Government Superannuation Fund’ one has a sense of some certitude , some certainty, but there is none.
- But some analysts believe the commodity can only be booming for at least one more year and it is no longer possible to say with certitude the frequency and amplitude of cyclical movements in steel prices.
- So it's very important to understand that he provided us at some very crucial moments with context and certitude , with things we had obtained elsewhere for the most part, but we knew we were right.
- his certitude that “we're number one.”
- As the countless number of people whose lives he touched remember, Hillenbrand had patiently disassembled their easy certitudes to reveal for them new understandings which shimmered in their minds the rest of their lives.
- The editors explore some of the significant Cold War events and issues that scarred a generation of Australians and degraded the national political culture with simplistic certitudes .
- Whether we celebrate or bemoan the loss of the old Catholic certitudes , we need at least to be alert to what values may fill the space left by them.
- We are tickled by his irreverence, his comic inversion of our old certitudes and our fixed creeds refreshes us; we laugh.
- This decision involving all being expresses the impossibility of ever stopping, whether it be at some consolation or some truth, at the interests or results of an action, or with the certitudes of knowledge and belief.
- Constitutional law is rife with clashing certitudes generated by too-clever theories purporting to illuminate the one valid approach to construing the Constitution.
- They had hoped for scientific certitudes and now they are being told that science cannot give them this solace.
- English eyes scour the English horizon for the certitudes of English corporatism, and what they see are multinationals who, to an unwelcome extent, dictate the pace and impose the qualitative standards of English life.