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ceremonial - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of ceremonial in Hindi

  • अनुष्ठानिक
  • समारोह
  • समारोहपूर्ण
  • अधिकृत
  • शिष्टाचार-युक्त
  • उत्सव-संबंधी


  • विधि
  • संस्कार
  • नियम
  • रसम

ceremonial Definition


  • relating to or used for formal events of a religious or public nature. ( धार्मिक या सार्वजनिक प्रकृति की औपचारिक घटनाओं के लिए संबंधित या उपयोग किया जाता है। )
  • (of a position or role) involving only nominal authority or power. ( (किसी पद या भूमिका का) केवल नाममात्र का अधिकार या शक्ति शामिल है। )


  • the system of rules and procedures to be observed at a formal or religious occasion. ( औपचारिक या धार्मिक अवसर पर देखे जाने वाले नियमों और प्रक्रियाओं की प्रणाली। )

ceremonial Example

  • Perhaps the virginity of the Grail hero, so stressed by late Christian redactors, may be a reminiscence of the virgin state of the initiate in the pagan ceremonial . ( ग्रेग नायक की शायद कौमार्य, इसलिए देर से ईसाई redactors द्वारा जोर दिया, बुतपरस्त समारोह में दीक्षा के कुंवारी राज्य की याद हो सकती है। )
  • Yet post Deane, he also wanted the role downgraded to a merely ceremonial one. ( फिर भी डीन पोस्ट करते हैं, वह भी भूमिका को केवल एक औपचारिक समारोह के लिए डाउनग्रेड करना चाहते थे। )
  • For an unfathomable reason, I kept thinking of Balanchine's Agon as the dancers swept through their athletic ceremonial . ( एक अथाह कारण के लिए, मैं बालनचैन के एगॉन के बारे में सोचता रहा क्योंकि नर्तक अपने एथलेटिक सेरेमोनियल के माध्यम से बह गए। )
  • These are ceremonial occasions, and each person who helps the family is given a portion of the pig. ( ये औपचारिक अवसर हैं, और परिवार की मदद करने वाले प्रत्येक व्यक्ति को सुअर का एक हिस्सा दिया जाता है। )
  • TG4 cameras were allowed to film rarely witnessed rituals and a unique peace ceremonial for the 30-minute documentary. ( टीजी 4 कैमरों को 30 मिनट की डॉक्यूमेंट्री के लिए शायद ही कभी अनुष्ठान और एक अद्वितीय शांति समारोह में फिल्माने की अनुमति दी गई थी। )

More Sentence

  • Whilst there was merit in the idea, John Blunt worried that the Lord Mayor would become simply a figurehead, reducing the position to a purely ceremonial role.
  • His ultimate ambition is to become the president of India, a ceremonial post more to his liking than the rough and tumble at the helm of a state stricken by Pakistani terrorism.
  • The man widely dubbed the New Blair faced the original Blair yesterday at Westminster's weekly feast and ceremonial .
  • Mr Mallon was attending the council's annual meeting where another former police officer, Peter Porley, was elected to the ceremonial post of chairman.
  • While it's highly visible, the new position is largely ceremonial .
  • An elaborate calendrical system was evolved, not least to identify appropriate days for holding ritual and ceremonial events.
  • Forgive me master, but it's time for your little ceremonial .
  • Therefore, a distinction between formal palace-centered ceremonial processions and feasting must be preserved.
  • The agony experienced by their loved ones in trying to locate their remains lends, in Neil Hanson's prose, the dark ceremonial of Remembrance Sunday an almost unbearable poignancy.
  • He is the connective tissue between government and tribal authority, and the government has given him a ceremonial uniform appropriate to his status.
  • He was a largely ceremonial figure with little power.
  • But he is a traditionalist and is said to have opposed the constitutional changes which reduced the role of the monarch to that of a ceremonial head of state.
  • The Viceroyalty evolved into a largely ceremonial position.
  • Why do modern armies and soldiers carry swords on ceremonial occasions?
  • The grand entrance is still used by councillors on ceremonial occasions.
  • The most visible signs are not houses or fields, but ceremonial monuments: a double row of timber posts, a ditched and banked enclosure in horseshoe plan and a ring ditch.
  • By the end of his first day, AVM Shepherd was impressed with what he saw and those he spoke to, and was more than happy to take on a ceremonial role and officially open the bar for the enjoyment of his people.
  • The announcement came during a day of ceremonial tribute to Mr Giuliani for his role in coordinating the immediate response and rallying New York's morale in the aftermath of the disaster.
  • When we worship in the spirit, we are opposed to religious rituals and ceremonial posturing, and to the showiness of the symbols of office, and external worship.
  • But the result of reducing the Queen's representative to a purely ceremonial role has been to concentrate power in the Prime Minister's office.
  • The powers of the president largely a ceremonial post will be shared by the prime minister and the speaker of the lower chamber of parliament until a successor can be found.
  • In today's world, all that's really left of the Queen's power is ceremonial and symbolic in nature.
  • This cheese, served as a nibble, was stale, dry and tough enough to make one wonder if it was left over from some opening night ceremonial .
  • Some holidays and ceremonial occasions are associated with certain kinds of food.
  • Although a largely ceremonial position, some abuse victims saw it as a slap in the face.