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centralize - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of centralize in Hindi

  • केंद्रस्थ
  • केंद्रीय होना
  • केंद्रीभूत करना
  • केंद्रस्थ होना
  • केंद्रस्थ करना
  • केंद्रीय करना
  • एक स्थान पर करना
  • एक केन्द्र की ओर लाना
  • केंद्रीकरण करना

centralize Definition

  • concentrate (control of an activity or organization) under a single authority. ( किसी एक प्राधिकरण के तहत किसी गतिविधि (संगठन या संगठन का नियंत्रण) पर ध्यान केंद्रित करना। )

centralize Example

  • She pushed the regional offices to consolidate from 13 to 4, and established shared processing centers to centralize certain tasks and make their cost structures more scalable with demand. ( उसने क्षेत्रीय कार्यालयों को 13 से 4 तक मजबूत करने के लिए धक्का दिया, और कुछ कार्यों को केंद्रीकृत करने के लिए साझा प्रसंस्करण केंद्रों की स्थापना की और उनकी लागत संरचनाओं को मांग के साथ और अधिक स्केलेबल बनाया। )
  • the ultimate goal is to centralize boxing under one umbrella ( अंतिम लक्ष्य एक छतरी के नीचे मुक्केबाजी को केंद्रीकृत करना है )
  • English governments were keen to centralize the control of colonial matters, and charters were sometimes revoked in favour of direct rule. ( अंग्रेजी सरकारें औपनिवेशिक मामलों के नियंत्रण को केंद्रीकृत करने की इच्छुक थीं, और चार्टर्स को कभी-कभी प्रत्यक्ष शासन के पक्ष में निरस्त कर दिया जाता था। )
  • In fact, while dismantling public and social services and gutting environmental regulations, the Tories have moved to centralize power in the hands of the provincial government and increase the repressive powers of the state. ( वास्तव में, सार्वजनिक और सामाजिक सेवाओं को समाप्त करने और पर्यावरणीय नियमों को खत्म करने के दौरान, टोरी प्रांतीय सरकार के हाथों में सत्ता को केंद्रीकृत करने और राज्य की दमनकारी शक्तियों को बढ़ाने के लिए चले गए हैं। )

More Sentence

  • The adroitness and patience of a long line of monarchs and royal ministers, who moved gradually but steadily to centralize both authority and power in their own hands, were crowned with unimaginable success.
  • Under increasing demands from the environment, organizations tend to centralize control and, like individuals, filter information more heavily.
  • There was a need for the Authority to centralize power in order to deliver effectively in the form of tangible results of the peace process.
  • One commissioner said this weekend that the new constitution would centralise power with the European Council and the European Parliament and create ‘a commission of castrati’.
  • It seems to me these guys are in favor of more centralized control than any before them.
  • I'm not one of those who is assured by seeing greater concentration and centralization .
  • As we said in our last generic article on the subject, a PC is really the best way of centralizing your home entertainment content in all its different forms.
  • On the other hand, it was one reason why Chadwick and other reformers wanted to have more centralized control.
  • Marsh's grip tightened when it centralized control of broking activities in New York.
  • A process of centralization and concentration took place in all spheres of human society.
  • Better support can be given in most cases if the control is centralized .
  • A single screen centralizes control of all operation and displays data in multiple formats, as shown in Figure 2.
  • In the modern state, authority is centralized in one legally supreme government, and people live under the standard laws of that government.
  • All of history attests that the centralization and concentration of power breed despotism.
  • This is most blatant in France because of the highly centralised state and government control known as jacobinisme.
  • ‘There is an argument for centralising the work of the Circuit Court but there is no valid reason why people should have to leave their area to do the work of the district court,’ said Deputy Ring.
  • They blow apart traditional social relations - relations that are often powerful barriers to democratic reform - by centralizing authority and power in a national government.
  • The history of apartheid has been a struggle of the individual as opposed to centralized government power.
  • It is about the philosophy of the bill - of centralising the control of negotiations back to the State sector, reinforcing the power of monopolistic unions, and the control of the Minister at each and every stage over negotiations.
  • Progressivism is less concerned than populism about centralization and concentration of power.
  • There are also concerns from chief constables that the new unit will lead to the Home Office wielding more centralised control.
  • Craven District Council has long been looking to centralise its functions on one site - 10 years ago it attempted to buy the old Raikeswood Hospital.
  • The bureaucrats and political executive at the state level, have a vested interest to centralise powers and authority and their hostility to evolve a genuine system of democratic decentralisation is well known.
  • It was much easier to control a more unified and centralized religious organization.
  • So to create a relationship of forces in its competition with the American bourgeoisie, the Canadian bourgeoisie must centralise its political authority and further unify its internal market.
  • Second, the NAACP is a highly centralized organization, with a bloated executive board.