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censor - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of censor in Hindi

  • सेंसर
  • नियंत्रक
  • सेन्सर
  • अभिवेचन करना
  • सेन्सर करना
  • अभिवेचक


  • सेंसर करना

censor Definition


  • examine (a book, movie, etc.) officially and suppress unacceptable parts of it. ( आधिकारिक रूप से (एक पुस्तक, फिल्म आदि) की जांच करें और इसके अस्वीकार्य भागों को दबा दें। )


  • an official who examines material that is about to be released, such as books, movies, news, and art, and suppresses any parts that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security. ( एक अधिकारी जो जारी की जाने वाली सामग्री की जांच करता है, जैसे किताबें, फिल्में, समाचार और कला, और अश्लील, राजनीतिक रूप से अस्वीकार्य या सुरक्षा के लिए खतरा माने जाने वाले किसी भी हिस्से को दबा देता है। )
  • (in ancient Rome) either of two magistrates who held censuses and supervised public morals. ( (प्राचीन रोम में) या तो दो मजिस्ट्रेट थे जिन्होंने सार्वजनिक नैतिकता पर रोक लगाई और निगरानी की। )

censor Example

  • Moreover, if dreams were all expressions of repressed infantile impulses, which found an indirect way past the censor , one would expect that the proportion of sleep spent in dreaming would increase with age. ( इसके अलावा, अगर सपने दमित शिशु आवेगों के सभी भाव थे, जो सेंसर के अतीत में एक अप्रत्यक्ष तरीका था, तो कोई यह उम्मीद करेगा कि सपने देखने में नींद का अनुपात उम्र के साथ बढ़ जाएगा। )
  • As a serious cinematic dramatisation of an event that goes to the core of belief of many people in Ireland, this film will have a particular resonance and is likely to be of interest to a wide audience, the film censor 's office stated. ( एक फिल्म की गंभीर सिनेमाई नाटकीयता के रूप में, जो आयरलैंड में कई लोगों के विश्वास के मूल में जाती है, इस फिल्म में एक विशेष प्रतिध्वनि होगी और व्यापक दर्शकों के लिए रुचि होने की संभावना है, फिल्म सेंसर के कार्यालय ने कहा। )
  • Though everyone knew Carthaginian figs were a successful transplant to Italy; Cato the censor grew them in his garden ( हालांकि सभी जानते थे कि कार्थाजियन अंजीर इटली में एक सफल प्रत्यारोपण था; काटो सेंसर ने उन्हें अपने बगीचे में उगाया )
  • I don't edit or censor material to suit my purposes, ever. ( मैं कभी भी अपने उद्देश्यों के अनुरूप सेंसर सामग्री को संपादित नहीं करता। )
  • In most cases, a censor and a chiliarch or centurion from the Imperial Guard were ordered to jointly oversee campaigns to apprehend brigands. ( ज्यादातर मामलों में, इम्पीरियल गार्ड से एक सेंसर और एक चेनिच या सेंचुरियन को ब्रिगेड को पकड़ने के लिए संयुक्त रूप से अभियान चलाने का आदेश दिया गया था। )

More Sentence

  • The superego, originating in the child through an identification with parents, and in response to social pressures, functions as an internal censor to repress the urges of the id.
  • The magistracy continued to be controlled by patricians until 351 BC, when Gaius Marcius Rutilus was appointed the first plebeian censor .
  • During this period, the Ontario Board of Censors was known to be the most liberal of all the provincial boards, and O.J. Silverthorne was the most respected film censor in Canada.
  • Kelleher was appointed official film censor in 2003 and today he divides his time between Dublin and west Cork, where he lives with his wife and two children.
  • The goal of Freudian dream interpretation is to undo the work of the censor .
  • We had military censors , not to suppress bad news but to keep damaging news from the enemy.
  • Films are censored for a number of reasons: sex, violence or bad language.
  • The Esquire Theatre, on the other hand, is guilty of censoring the work of an artist, no matter how poor that work might actually be.
  • Trudeau implemented the War Measures Act with its power of censorship , detention and arrest.
  • She also insisted they have freedom to interpret everything they saw or took part in without any censorship .
  • Such sentiments of animosity towards the church, the teaching establishment and tradition were excuse enough for the censors to ban the film in its entirety.
  • It all comes down to censorship and that is something that is not tolerated around this campus.
  • The censorship of that time rapidly fell into disrepute and disuse and the populace all got back to business as usual.
  • We were sure that the film would pass the censors because the scenes were in line with the story.
  • The big appeal for parties is the absolute lack of censorship on the net as opposed to television.
  • Kent says High suffered censorial woes because of the shift in thinking at the time.
  • I would emphasise that this is not an argument for prohibitory laws or legally enforced censorship .
  • It has caused widespread global controversy, stretching from Catholic groups in Europe and America, to a number of states in India that have also banned the film despite federal censors clearing it for release.
  • What enraged and confused the censors was the film's approach to that strange netherworld between dreaming and waking states, in which so much unusual activity transpires.
  • His books and articles were often refused or censored by publishers and editors.
  • Many of Pasolini's films, with their anti-fascist voice, radical reformist ideals, and unbridled sexuality, were seized on moral grounds by higher censorial authorities, denounced as blasphemous and obscene.
  • He mentions in his audio commentary that the vampire's death groans were long lost, cut by censors during the film's original theatrical run.
  • In most accounts, the story of how The Man with the Golden Arm was censored is a simple one.
  • These censorial measures not only prevent young people from learning, thinking, and exploring, they deprive them of critical information on subjects ranging from human rights and feminism to drugs and safer sex.
  • If the system had been in place all Stewart's mail would have been censored .