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cellulose - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of cellulose in Hindi

  • सेलूलोज़
  • कोशिकारस

cellulose Definition

  • an insoluble substance that is the main constituent of plant cell walls and of vegetable fibers such as cotton. It is a polysaccharide consisting of chains of glucose monomers. ( एक अघुलनशील पदार्थ जो पौधे की कोशिका की दीवारों और कपास जैसे वनस्पति फाइबर का मुख्य घटक है। यह एक पॉलीसेकेराइड है जिसमें ग्लूकोज मोनोमर्स की चेन होती है। )
  • paint or lacquer consisting principally of cellulose acetate or nitrate in solution. ( पेंट या लाह मुख्य रूप से समाधान में सेलुलोज एसीटेट या नाइट्रेट से मिलकर बनता है। )

cellulose Example

  • One example of a carbohydrate that doesn't count is cellulose , an insoluble fiber that imparts zero calories per gram. ( एक कार्बोहाइड्रेट का एक उदाहरण जो गिनती नहीं करता है, एक अघुलनशील फाइबर है जो प्रति ग्राम शून्य कैलोरी प्रदान करता है। )
  • The balsa wood was giving two coats of cellulose paint to seal it. ( बेल्सा लकड़ी इसे सील करने के लिए सेल्युलोज पेंट के दो कोट दे रही थी। )
  • The float is then given two coats of cellulose paint to seal it. ( फ्लोट को तब सील करने के लिए सेल्युलोज पेंट के दो कोट दिए जाते हैं। )
  • Termites eat cellulose , a main ingredient in woody plants/materials, and we find them in decaying trees and logs as well as in our homes. ( दीमक लकड़ी के पौधों / सामग्रियों में एक मुख्य घटक सेलूलोज़ खाते हैं, और हम उन्हें पेड़ों और लॉग के साथ-साथ हमारे घरों में भी सड़ते हुए पाते हैं। )
  • Drawn by the smell of petrol and cellulose paint, Angus wandered into a car enthusiast's glory hole. ( पेट्रोल और सेलूलोज़ पेंट की गंध से आकर्षित, एंगस एक कार उत्साही की महिमा छेद में भटक गया। )

More Sentence

  • It is found on a variety of substrates containing cellulose including paper and plant compost.
  • Dietary fibre consists of plant material such as cellulose , hemicellulose, pectin, polysaccharides, gums, mucilage and lignin.
  • They produce different enzymes that break down lignin and release cellulose and hemicellulose from plants.
  • Presence of cellulose definitively identifies vegetable matter and excludes helminths.
  • Several recent publications have described the properties of composites of bacterial cellulose with plant cell wall polysaccharides.
  • The tomato fruit cell wall is composed of protein and three major polysaccharide components, pectin, hemicelluloses and cellulose .
  • The experiments showed, inter alia, that pyritization can occur within cellulose cell walls.
  • Natural in origin, Tencel was designed as an environmentally friendly cellulose fibre to be used in fabrics to maximize comfort and functionality.
  • Wool, which is sheep hair, is made of animal proteins, while cotton is made of plant cellulose - the main part of a plant's cell wall.
  • Many xanthophytes produce a cell wall, though it is not composed of cellulose (as in plants) or of chitin (as in fungi).
  • As a green leafy vegetable, lettuce is rich in vitamin C and E, as well as fibre cellulose .
  • Plants are living things with cellulose cell walls, lacking nervous or sensory organs.
  • Major constituents of the cell wall are cellulose , hemicelluloses and pectins.
  • Peer at the piece very closely and you may just make out the traces of what look like scars on the surface of the cellulose paint which coats these two huge bronze casts.
  • Most plant-eaters have developed adaptations to handle difficult-to-digest plant cellulose .
  • It is composed primarily of cellulose , a complex carbohydrate made from glucose.
  • Nasaleze is a natural hay-fever remedy based on plant cellulose .
  • They are used on a large scale in industry because of their bright colors and firm chemical fixation to cellulose , protein, and polyamide fibers.
  • A study by Dr Angus Davison has helped to uncover new facts about the most common organic compound found on earth - a substance called cellulose .
  • Unlike conventional ethanol, bioethanol is made not from grain, but from cellulosic biomass, such as wheat straw, sugar cane bagasse, and corn stovers and stalks left over after harvesting.
  • While companies like Iogen, a Canadian biofuel company, research ways to make cellulosic ethanol commercially viable, corn-based ethanol is only affordable to consumers through tax subsidies.
  • Although these termites are closely related, they construct strikingly different nest structures in a range of different habitats and they feed on different forms of cellulosic material.
  • These data confirmed our earlier conclusions that pointed toward the fact that MWL is more photoreactive when absorbed on a cellulosic fiber matrix, most likely due to the larger surface area provided when it is absorbed on a fiber matrix.
  • The majority of parenchymal cells located within the central cylinder had thin cellulosic primary cell walls that stained with aniline blue.