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cell - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of cell in Hindi

  • सेल
  • कोशिका
  • कक्ष
  • कोठरी
  • बैटरी
  • कोष्ठिका
  • कोशाणु
  • खाना
  • छोटा कमरा
  • मण्डप
  • खोह
  • गुट्ट
  • कोटर
  • रंध्र
  • गोदाम
  • बिल
  • तहखाना
  • झोपड़ी


  • सेल
  • कोशिका
  • मधुकोष
  • जीवकोष
  • गुट
  • जेल का एकांत कमरा
  • कोटर
  • प्रकोष्ठ

cell Definition


  • a small room in which a prisoner is locked up or in which a monk or nun sleeps. ( एक छोटा कमरा जिसमें एक कैदी बंद है या जिसमें एक साधु या नन सोता है। )
  • the smallest structural and functional unit of an organism, typically microscopic and consisting of cytoplasm and a nucleus enclosed in a membrane. Microscopic organisms typically consist of a single cell, which is either eukaryotic or prokaryotic. ( एक जीव की सबसे छोटी संरचनात्मक और कार्यात्मक इकाई, आमतौर पर सूक्ष्म और साइटोप्लाज्म से मिलकर और एक झिल्ली में संलग्न एक नाभिक होता है। सूक्ष्म जीवों में आमतौर पर एक एकल कोशिका होती है, जो या तो यूकेरियोटिक या प्रोकैरियोटिक होती है। )
  • a small group forming a nucleus of political activity, typically a secret, subversive one. ( राजनीतिक गतिविधि का एक छोटा समूह बनाने वाला एक छोटा समूह, आमतौर पर एक गुप्त, विध्वंसक। )
  • the local area covered by one of the short-range transmitters in a cellular telephone system. ( सेल्युलर टेलीफोन प्रणाली में कम दूरी के ट्रांसमीटरों में से एक द्वारा कवर किया गया स्थानीय क्षेत्र। )
  • a device containing electrodes immersed in an electrolyte, used for current-generation or electrolysis. ( इलेक्ट्रोलाइट युक्त एक उपकरण जो इलेक्ट्रोलाइट में डूबा हुआ है, जिसका उपयोग वर्तमान-पीढ़ी या इलेक्ट्रोलिसिस के लिए किया जाता है। )

cell Example

  • In our study, we focus on oscillations generated in a single cell . ( हमारे अध्ययन में, हम एक एकल कोशिका में उत्पन्न दोलनों पर ध्यान केंद्रित करते हैं। )
  • That makes it easy for a small and secretive terrorist cell to go undetected. ( यह एक छोटे और गुप्त आतंकवादी सेल के लिए अनिर्धारित जाने में आसान बनाता है। )
  • These charged particles continue through the cell to the collecting area where they are attracted to a series of grounded plates. ( ये आवेशित कण कोशिका के माध्यम से एकत्रित क्षेत्र में जारी रहते हैं जहाँ वे ग्राउंडेड प्लेटों की एक श्रृंखला से आकर्षित होते हैं। )
  • So what that means is that he's locked up at night in a prison cell on his own, so that's solitary confinement. ( तो इसका क्या मतलब है कि वह रात को जेल की कोठरी में बंद है, इसलिए वह एकांत कारावास में है। )

More Sentence

  • The offenders have designed and painted artworks throughout the burgled room and in the prison cell .
  • The extortion then funds the further activities of the terror cell .
  • The interior of a cell contains structures called organelles that can be compared to the organs in a body.
  • This seven-ounce magnet was able to support four kilograms of iron using the current from a single cell .
  • Wilders has six body guards and has slept in a prison cell to protect himself against possible attacks.
  • cell division
  • She then deposits a little into a honeycomb cell , built and tilted upright, so that it won't spill.
  • As the initiated say, in telecommunications lies not only cell and telephone issues but also broadcasting and now Internet.
  • Another method of on-site power generation is the photovoltaic cell .
  • In Dewsbury, he gradually emerged as the probable ringleader of the terrorist cell .
  • He was one of 10 convicted prisoners who escaped from the prison on June 8 after holding up prison warders at gunpoint and locking them in a cell .
  • The Red Brigade is the terrorist cell , and mostly serves as the ‘bad guy’ of the film.
  • Chemical reactions inside the cell strip electrons from the hydrogen atoms to produce a voltage that can power a circuit.
  • Every agent infiltrating a drug cartel is an agent who could be infiltrating a terrorist cell .
  • The 8.5g cell generates 100mW of power - enough, Toshiba said, to run am MP3 player for 20 hours.
  • Late in the same century the site became a dependent cell of the Durham Benedictines.
  • Konarka says it will enter the market with a photovoltaic cell in late 2004 that will generate solar power at about $2 per watt.
  • cancer cell
  • He has been linked to a terrorist cell in Hamburg and a flight training school in Florida.
  • Each cell has a base station that transmits and receives signals over just a small fraction of the frequencies to which the network operator has access.
  • The plaque deposits did not form cell casts or polyhedra and did not penetrate into the cell cavities, but were an external deposit only.
  • Four bombers blew themselves up but police are investigating whether another member of the terrorist cell is alive and on the run.
  • The change of status would also mean that Tommy has to be transferred from a detention cell to a prison room, which he has to share with other convicts.
  • When light was shone on to the tiny cell , an electrical current was generated.
  • Avebury subsequently attracted a monastic cell , and suffered attempts to destroy its standing stones.
  • a button cell for a quartz watch