ceaseless - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of ceaseless in Hindi
- निरंतर
- लगातार
- निर्विराम
- बराबर
- अनवरत
ceaseless Definition
- constant and unending. ( निरंतर और संयुक्त। )
ceaseless Example
- The ceaseless ringing in my ear continued throughout today and, as a result, I've felt more than a little perturbed. ( मेरे कान में लगातार बजना आज भी जारी रहा और, परिणामस्वरूप, मैंने थोड़ा अधिक परेशान महसूस किया है। )
- And I am sick and tired of listening to his ceaseless and unintelligible chatter. ( और मैं उनके निरंतर और अनजाने बकबक को सुनकर बीमार और थका हुआ हूं। )
- Shopping, a ceaseless search for the next meaningless object, is for people without purpose. ( खरीदारी, अगले व्यर्थ वस्तु के लिए एक निरंतर खोज, उद्देश्य के बिना लोगों के लिए है। )
- Heroin addicts leave a trail of destruction behind them in their ceaseless quest for a fix. ( हेरोइन के नशेड़ी एक तयशुदा खोज में उनके पीछे विनाश का निशान छोड़ जाते हैं। )
More Sentence
- Maybe we have something to learn from practices that at least avoid the ceaseless round of court battles led by human rights lawyers.
- He works ceaselessly on the style of his delivery, and he has an active interest in the mechanics of comedy in all its many manifestations.
- ‘It's not for want of trying,’ said Alstead, who has lobbied broadcasters ceaselessly on the subject.
- Farmers' leaders ceaselessly , and rightly, draw attention to the need for partnerships between producers, processors and consumers.
- He ceaselessly expressed concern for the poor and frequently spoke and wrote on what he saw as an impermissibly broad gap between the rich and the poor, and a lack of social justice.
- Chris had been a loyal member since the foundation of the Guild, she had worked ceaselessly to promote its aims, she was a warm personal friend of many members.