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carpe diem - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of carpe diem in Hindi

  • कार्पे डियं

carpe diem Definition

  • used to urge someone to make the most of the present time and give little thought to the future. ( किसी से आग्रह करना कि वह वर्तमान समय का अधिक से अधिक उपयोग करे और भविष्य के बारे में कुछ सोचे। )
  • enjoy the pleasures of the moment, without concern for the future 

carpe diem Example

  • So, I say - carpe diem , seize the moment, use a peace conference to create the needed momentum toward a stable, guaranteed two-state solution.
  • After all, it's another way of saying carpe diem ; what Thoreau meant by ‘sucking out all the marrow of life,’ although that image isn't quite as appetizing.
  • A more philosophical reading of the project is to encourage people to seize the moment, carpe diem .
  • He was right, that was the way to proceed, carpe diem , ‘seize the day,’ ‘make hay while the sun shines.'
  • He's promising to teach his audiences Latin this year - carpe diem !
  • Mr. Keating repeated the first line of the poem, ‘Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,’ and then explained that the Latin term for that sentiment was carpe diem .