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career - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of career in Hindi

  • व्यवसाय
  • पेशा
  • आजीविका
  • वृत्ति
  • प्रगति
  • सरपट दौड़
  • तीव्र गती
  • जीवन-यात्रा
  • तरक़्क़ी
  • जीविका
  • कारकिर्दगी

career Definition


  • an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life and with opportunities for progress. ( एक व्यवसाय व्यक्ति के जीवन की महत्वपूर्ण अवधि और प्रगति के अवसरों के साथ किया जाता है। )


  • move swiftly and in an uncontrolled way in a specified direction. ( एक निर्दिष्ट दिशा में तेजी से और अनियंत्रित तरीके से आगे बढ़ें। )

career Example

  • The career diplomat made a brief and humble statement before taking the oath of office. ( करियर के राजनयिक ने पद की शपथ लेने से पहले एक संक्षिप्त और विनम्र बयान दिया। )
  • Young career women are more likely to demand things like flextime and less overtime from employers. ( युवा करियर महिलाओं को नियोक्ताओं से फुलटाइम और कम ओवरटाइम जैसी चीजों की मांग करने की अधिक संभावना है। )
  • The son of a wig maker, Lallemand saw a military career as an opportunity for social advancement. ( एक विग निर्माता के बेटे, लेलमैंड ने एक सैन्य कैरियर को सामाजिक उन्नति के अवसर के रूप में देखा। )
  • He has had a distinguished career , helping to police the Bradford riots and even fulfilling state ceremonial duties. ( ब्रैडफोर्ड दंगों और यहां तक कि राज्य के औपचारिक कर्तव्यों को पूरा करने में पुलिस की मदद करने के लिए उनका एक विशिष्ट कैरियर रहा है। )
  • a career girl ( एक कैरियर लड़की )

More Sentence

  • I would quite like Mr P-A to get a little further along in his career before he hits old age, but if he has to pass the flame to the next generation, so be it.
  • a career diplomat
  • There's the victim, and the schemer, the Connecticut white lady, and the career girl.
  • He is a career diplomat, serving many years in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway.
  • She knew she would be retiring shortly from the Royal Ballet and welcomed the opportunity to diversify her career .
  • I wasn't even a wife, and I certainly wasn't the hip, urban career girl I had been, either.
  • the court has had a chequered career
  • Perhaps you are just bitter that he is a nationally respected professor while you are just a career student.
  • British career women, she said, no longer feel they need to join an organisation to fight for equality with men.
  • After 11 years of internal medicine and cardiology, he opted for a career in occupational medicine.
  • he seemed destined for a career as an engineer like his father
  • All are career women, although it hasn't come easy and is still not guaranteed.
  • I like being the smart, intelligent career woman who is respected by her peers.
  • The 1980s and 1990s were decades of progress for western career women and working mothers.
  • According to Gerdjikov, such statements showed that the person making them was not a career diplomat.
  • It is also a tribute to a distinguished career during which Naipaul never lost sight of his vocation.
  • But the carefully modulated tones of this career diplomat were not the red meat that Fleet Street desired.
  • He's a career security professional who deplores the leaks of classified material to the press.
  • He is no disinterested career diplomat - he's a pro-Saudi, leftist partisan with an ax to grind.
  • The earlier part of his career was spent working in Central Africa and Europe.
  • We will, however, endeavor to portray with as much accuracy as possible the career of the organization.
  • Teaching is recognized as a career with unique opportunities and satisfying experiences.
  • When Barbie was in her prime, girls were taught to be career women, to be men's equals.
  • The men who thus set in motion the career of the court which is today celebrating its one hundred birthday were all immigrants.
  • The career diplomat, elected on a rota basis, promised she would be impartial.