card index - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of card index in Hindi
- पत्र सूची विवरणी
- कार्ड इंदेक्स
- कार्ड-सूचिका
- सूचक कार्ड
- कार्ड सूची
card index Definition
- a catalog or similar collection of information in which each item is entered on a separate card, and the cards are arranged in a particular order, typically alphabetical. ( जानकारी का एक कैटलॉग या समान संग्रह जिसमें प्रत्येक आइटम को एक अलग कार्ड पर दर्ज किया जाता है, और कार्ड को एक विशेष क्रम में व्यवस्थित किया जाता है, आमतौर पर वर्णानुक्रम में। )
card index Example
- The simplest method for indexing smokers' medical records is to tag electronic records with one of the smoking status Read codes, but non-computerised general practices could use a simple card index . ( धूम्रपान करने वालों के मेडिकल रिकॉर्ड को अनुक्रमित करने के लिए सबसे सरल तरीका धूम्रपान रिकॉर्ड में से एक के साथ इलेक्ट्रॉनिक रिकॉर्ड टैग करना है, लेकिन गैर-कम्प्यूटरीकृत सामान्य प्रथाएं एक साधारण कार्ड इंडेक्स का उपयोग कर सकती हैं। )
- The sentences are fragmentary; it reads like a linearised hypertext, like a card index of his life taken from its box and shuffled. ( वाक्य खंडित हैं; यह एक लीनियर हाइपरटेक्स्ट की तरह पढ़ता है, जैसे उसके बॉक्स से लिए गए उसके जीवन के कार्ड इंडेक्स और फेरबदल। )
- My card index is arranged by song title and records the number of times Sharp collected each song in date order. ( मेरे कार्ड इंडेक्स को गाने के शीर्षक से व्यवस्थित किया जाता है और दिनांक क्रम में प्रत्येक गाने को शार्प एकत्र करने की संख्या को रिकॉर्ड करता है। )
- Long before the perestroika began, Krayushkin had been quietly filling a separate card index with materials about writers, actors and artists who had been arrested or shot. ( पेरेस्त्रोइका शुरू होने से बहुत पहले, क्रियुस्किन चुपचाप लेखकों, अभिनेताओं और कलाकारों के बारे में सामग्रियों के साथ एक अलग कार्ड इंडेक्स भर रहा था, जिन्हें गिरफ्तार या गोली मार दी गई थी। )
More Sentence
- The only comprehensive register is a card index in National Archives at Kew.
- Klinger's editorial powers cover Holmes's obsessions, his addictions and even his card index system.
- Seetzen's work in Aachen, which included the stipulation to his subordinates that a card index system be employed to keep track of every interrogation the office conducted, was a complete success in the estimation of his superiors.
- The basis for my scepticism was that, when I cross-checked the photographic collection in the Battye Library the card index simply identifies it as a photo of a Forrest River Aborigine in traditional dress playing with his dog.
- ‘Should be a bit of an opener looking in a card index ,’ said the librarian as she searched for information about a quarry in Coles Bay in the late 1800's.
- A card index of every single member since 1903 follows their progress through school and into employment, a practice which is continued today.
- Helen Dunmore has gone for historical territory before, with The Siege, and here again what is impressive is how she manages to evade the betraying shadow of the card index , which so often plagues the historical novel.
- Tom shifted papers on his desk, looked in a drawer, pulled open a card index , scratched his head.
- I look up my mental card index and it's completely blank.
- He kept a card index of all his students and remembered and kept in contact with many of them and monitored their subsequent progress.
- As an intelligence officer in Cairo in 1941 I had him on my card index of German officers in the Afrika Korps and tracked down in Cairo University library his book on the Western Desert.
- There must be a special register, in the form of a bound book (a card index will not suffice) for controlled drugs in Schedules 1 and 2 of the 1985 Regulations.
- This began as a card index and evolved into abstract journals.
- His most successful and profitable invention was the visible card index system he patented in 1913.
- As one of them left the building, he picked up, at random, a card index which turned out to contain a list of all the Gestapo's Danish helpers.
- The Files Commission was allowed access to Interior Ministry archives on Wednesday, and established that the documents it had obtained from the card index of the Interior Ministry were authentic, said Andreev.