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carburettor - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of carburettor in Hindi

  • कैब्युरटर
  • मोटर के इंजन में जलने के लिए पेट्रोल की भाप में हवा मिलानेवाला उपकरण

carburettor Definition

  • a device in an internal combustion engine for mixing air with a fine spray of liquid fuel. ( तरल ईंधन का एक अच्छा स्प्रे के साथ हवा के मिश्रण के लिए एक आंतरिक दहन इंजन में एक उपकरण। )

carburettor Example

  • Simply put, if driven front first up a slope, the petrol would not feed the carburettor and the engine would conk out. ( सीधे शब्दों में कहें, अगर सामने की तरफ ढलान पहले से चलती है, तो पेट्रोल कार्बोरेटर को नहीं खिलाएगा और इंजन शंकु से बाहर निकल जाएगा। )
  • The most obvious change was the switch from putting fuel in the engine with a carburettor to using fuel injection. ( सबसे स्पष्ट परिवर्तन ईंधन इंजेक्शन का उपयोग करने के लिए कार्बोरेटर के साथ इंजन में ईंधन डालने से स्विच था। )
  • More than a decade later, along with Wilhelm Maybach he developed a high-speed internal combination engine with a carburettor that made it possible to use gasoline as fuel. ( एक दशक से भी अधिक समय के बाद, विल्हेम मेबैक के साथ उन्होंने कार्बोरेटर के साथ एक उच्च गति वाला आंतरिक संयोजन इंजन विकसित किया जिसने गैसोलीन को ईंधन के रूप में उपयोग करना संभव बना दिया। )
  • They are designed to protect fuel pumps, fuel-pressure regulators, carburetors , and nitrous-oxide systems from dirt and debris. ( वे ईंधन पंप, ईंधन दबाव नियामकों, कार्बोरेटर और नाइट्रस-ऑक्साइड सिस्टम को गंदगी और मलबे से बचाने के लिए डिज़ाइन किए गए हैं। )
  • Detergents within the fuels, they say, significantly reduce deposits on inlet valves and in carburettors . ( ईंधन के भीतर डिटर्जेंट, वे कहते हैं, इनलेट वाल्व और कार्बोरेटर में जमा को काफी कम करते हैं। )
  • As he worked on carburetors , engines, and transmissions, he did something unusual. ( जैसा कि उन्होंने कार्बोरेटर, इंजन और ट्रांसमिशन पर काम किया, उन्होंने कुछ असामान्य किया। )

More Sentence

  • The most likely cause is an abrupt or inappropriate movement of the helicopter's controls or the stalling of the main rotor blade due to icing on the engine carburetor .
  • On some cars you might have a lever that allowed you to crudely adjust the flow of fuel through the carburetor .
  • If possible, trace the throttle cable from where it leaves the firewall to the carburetor or fuel control unit, and look for wear and tear, or loose connections.
  • He switched the fuel pump on and off at the top end in an attempt to keep the fuel mixing in the carburetors .
  • This sludge blocked fuel filters, carburettors and fuel-injection systems, leading to rough running and engine failures.
  • It had something to do with the fuel freezing somewhere between the carburetor and the engine.
  • They have created a handsome engine that s modern but retro with air-cooling, a carburetor , and pushrods activating two valves per cylinder.
  • To this the students may add the options of turbocharger or supercharger, carburetor or fuel injection with electronic engine management.
  • In the old days, when cars had carburetors , fuel metering was so imprecise that the carburetor would pour way too much fuel into the cylinders at idle.
  • When nitrous oxide is sprayed into the carburetor , it gives the motor a temporary horsepower boost, enabling a better qualifying time.
  • Those races stand out because restrictor plates are put on the carburetors to keep horsepower down.
  • About all you needed then were bigger engines with bigger carburetors and bigger exhausts.
  • Yes, I know that carburetors have been around forever and that fuel injection is the wave of the future, but I'm still impressed by how well a carburetor can adapt to changing conditions.
  • Fuel and air mixed in the carburetor is sent into the crankcase and from there into the cylinder through an intake port, a circular opening in the crankcase wall.Simply put, if driven front first up a slope, the petrol would not feed the carburettor and the engine would conk out.
  • The most obvious change was the switch from putting fuel in the engine with a carburettor to using fuel injection.
  • More than a decade later, along with Wilhelm Maybach he developed a high-speed internal combination engine with a carburettor that made it possible to use gasoline as fuel.
  • They are designed to protect fuel pumps, fuel-pressure regulators, carburetors , and nitrous-oxide systems from dirt and debris.
  • Detergents within the fuels, they say, significantly reduce deposits on inlet valves and in carburettors .
  • As he worked on carburetors , engines, and transmissions, he did something unusual.
  • The most likely cause is an abrupt or inappropriate movement of the helicopter's controls or the stalling of the main rotor blade due to icing on the engine carburetor .
  • On some cars you might have a lever that allowed you to crudely adjust the flow of fuel through the carburetor .
  • If possible, trace the throttle cable from where it leaves the firewall to the carburetor or fuel control unit, and look for wear and tear, or loose connections.
  • He switched the fuel pump on and off at the top end in an attempt to keep the fuel mixing in the carburetors .
  • This sludge blocked fuel filters, carburettors and fuel-injection systems, leading to rough running and engine failures.
  • It had something to do with the fuel freezing somewhere between the carburetor and the engine.
  • They have created a handsome engine that s modern but retro with air-cooling, a carburetor , and pushrods activating two valves per cylinder.
  • To this the students may add the options of turbocharger or supercharger, carburetor or fuel injection with electronic engine management.
  • In the old days, when cars had carburetors , fuel metering was so imprecise that the carburetor would pour way too much fuel into the cylinders at idle.
  • When nitrous oxide is sprayed into the carburetor , it gives the motor a temporary horsepower boost, enabling a better qualifying time.
  • Those races stand out because restrictor plates are put on the carburetors to keep horsepower down.
  • About all you needed then were bigger engines with bigger carburetors and bigger exhausts.
  • Yes, I know that carburetors have been around forever and that fuel injection is the wave of the future, but I'm still impressed by how well a carburetor can adapt to changing conditions.
  • Fuel and air mixed in the carburetor is sent into the crankcase and from there into the cylinder through an intake port, a circular opening in the crankcase wall.