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carbon copy - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of carbon copy in Hindi

  • नक़ल
  • कार्बन कॉपी
  • कार्बन प्रति
  • कार्बन नक़ल
  • प्रतिलिपि

carbon copy Definition

  • a copy of written or typed material made with carbon paper. ( कार्बन पेपर के साथ लिखित या टाइप की गई सामग्री की एक प्रति। )

carbon copy Example

  • The strategy paper is virtually a carbon copy of documents produced by the British in 1945 and the French in the 1950s. ( रणनीति पत्र वस्तुतः 1945 में अंग्रेजों द्वारा उत्पादित दस्तावेजों की कार्बन कॉपी और 1950 के दशक में फ्रांसीसी है। )
  • Attach a carbon copy of the shop's record of your inventory. ( अपनी इन्वेंट्री की दुकान के रिकॉर्ड की कार्बन कॉपी संलग्न करें। )
  • For example, formulations of aims contained in the guidance documents are as a rule reduced to tasks of corresponding kinds of TS or at worst are a carbon copy of the general tasks. ( उदाहरण के लिए, मार्गदर्शन दस्तावेजों में निहित उद्देश्यों के सूत्र एक नियम के रूप में होते हैं जो TS के संबंधित प्रकार के कार्यों में कम होते हैं या सबसे खराब सामान्य कार्यों की कार्बन कॉपी होते हैं। )
  • As far as she was concerned, their son was a carbon copy of his father. ( जहाँ तक उसका सवाल था, उनका बेटा अपने पिता की कार्बन कॉपी था। )
  • When staff were again busy he would tear the top copy off and drop the carbon copy over the counter. ( जब कर्मचारी फिर से व्यस्त होते तो वह शीर्ष कॉपी को फाड़ देता और काउंटर पर कार्बन कॉपी गिरा देता। )

More Sentence

  • That's because consumers are under the impression that a clone is essentially a carbon copy of the original animal, critics say.
  • The sounds are nothing groundbreaking, but at least each song is not a carbon copy of the previous track.
  • But why make a carbon copy of the original version?
  • In more ways than one, because there were no photocopiers, and even if you had made a carbon copy when you typed out your book, that copy was likely to be somewhat untidy.
  • At a festival all the bands who are playing have to have strong songs - and the live show shouldn't just be a carbon copy of the record.
  • Will it result in a carbon copy of the end of WWI or a carbon copy of the end of WWII?
  • Tall, dark-haired, and lean, he was the carbon copy of his father except for the brilliant green eyes which he had inherited from his mother.
  • What is anyone going to say that won't be a carbon copy of what we wrote after 9 / 11, after Bali, after Beslan, after Madrid?
  • Although sheep, mice and pigs have been cloned, scientists have not yet produced a carbon copy of any primate.
  • I'd been told, as a child, I got my looks purely from my father's side, that I was a carbon copy of Aunty Linda at the same age.
  • He was greeted joyously by a policeman who told him to relax and then started taking down the report not on an official document, but a scrap of paper with a carbon copy .
  • The bears will suggest that the Black Cycle is almost a carbon copy of the Teal Cycle and a repeat of the price action in the 1980s is in store.
  • Karl was a carbon copy of his father
  • In reality though, Disney's version was never intended as a carbon copy of the classic work of Lewis Carroll.
  • In other cricket, the second England v Zimbabwe match was a carbon copy of the first.
  • As to where the officer's knowledge that the document is made by use of a carbon copy or pre-assembled sheets, that, too constitutes a prima facie copy.
  • Democrats are betting that the current recession will be a carbon copy of the last recession, which officially began in July 1990 and ended in March 1991.
  • It was a carbon copy of my science class from the previous year.
  • Asked were there any previous convictions for a similar offence he told the court the defendant had committed another similar incident which was a carbon copy of the July 9 offence.
  • This collection consists of two short story manuscripts, a carbon copy of a thesis, and records of thesis-related expenditures.
  • Pupils wishing to leave school during the day will be given a carbon copy of a signed slip on production of an appropriate letter, note or telephone call that must then be carried with them.
  • In the days before xerox machines, a carbon copy was the best way of replicating a piece of writing.
  • And, as anyone who has ever signed a receipt can tell you, a carbon copy is literally pale in comparison to the original.
  • Almost a carbon copy of the previous year's finale, with the All Blacks again on the receiving end.
  • It's a carbon copy of his triumph in 2001, also after being written off early in the election year.