
car phone - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of car phone in Hindi

  • कार फ़ोन

car phone Definition

  • a cellular phone designed for use in a motor vehicle. ( एक मोटर वाहन में उपयोग के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया एक सेलुलर फोन। )

car phone Example

  • I picked up the car phone and dialed them up and after a couple of rings someone finally picked it up. ( मैंने कार फोन उठाया और उन्हें डायल किया और कुछ अंगूठियों के बाद अंत में किसी ने उसे उठाया। )
  • They say that the car phone has become a feature of modern society that is here to stay and what we have to do is to ensure that they are used with safety in mind rather than not at all. ( वे कहते हैं कि कार फोन आधुनिक समाज की एक विशेषता बन गई है जो यहां रहने के लिए है और हमें जो करना है वह यह सुनिश्चित करना है कि उनका उपयोग सुरक्षा के साथ किया जाता है न कि बिल्कुल। )
  • That's when I began hitting him about the head and shoulders with the car phone … ( जब मैंने उसे कार फोन के साथ सिर और कंधों पर मारना शुरू किया ... )
  • The user enjoys all the benefits of a car phone with external GSM antenna, excellent audio quality in hands-free mode, and comfortable operation tailored to the needs of the driver. ( उपयोगकर्ता को बाहरी जीएसएम एंटीना के साथ कार फोन के सभी लाभों का आनंद मिलता है, हाथों से मुक्त मोड में उत्कृष्ट ऑडियो गुणवत्ता और चालक की जरूरतों के अनुरूप आरामदायक संचालन। )
  • ‘I'm sorry, Paulie,’ Christopher mumbles into his car phone . ( Umb आई एम सॉरी, पाउली, 'क्रिस्टोफर अपने कार फोन में कांपता है। )

More Sentence

  • Alan was the only person in the area who had a car phone .
  • The car console combines the car phone and stereo with diagnostic, traffic and navigation data, and even location-based services such as hotel details or reservations.
  • The car phone rang, and he pressed the answer button on the car's dashboard.
  • On the way he spent much of the time on his car phone , being briefed about the growing panic.
  • Even a scene in which Erin learns over her car phone that her infant daughter has spoken her first word invites us to marvel at her compassion.
  • She called 911 from her car phone , but operators struggled to figure out where she was located as they listened to the attack occur.
  • Once they got in, Wesley reached out for the car phone and dialed the number of St. John School.
  • Paya was just a few seconds down the road when she got a call on her car phone .
  • As her car headed up a long incline, Sara picked up her car phone and dialed Michael's number.
  • I remember paying more than $1, 000 for a car phone .
  • Jerry's car is stolen; when he calls his car phone , he winds up in a conversation with the thief.
  • For the utmost in winter car safety you may wish to purchase a car phone to make keeping in touch easier.
  • In 1925, Germany saw the first demonstration of a car phone .
  • Don't use your car phone while parking your car.
  • You don't want your spouse on the road without a car phone , because it's a rough world out there.