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captivating - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of captivating in Hindi

  • मनोरम
  • लुभावना
  • दिलकश
  • मोहन
  • मनोहर
  • चित्ताकर्षक

captivating Definition

  • capable of attracting and holding interest; charming. ( रुचि को आकर्षित करने और धारण करने में सक्षम; आकर्षक। )

captivating Example

  • There is a captivating element of juxtaposition in each painting. ( प्रत्येक पेंटिंग में जूसकप का लुभावना तत्व होता है। )
  • In a captivating section, Bate attempts to reconstruct Shakespeare's library. ( एक मनोरम खंड में, बेट ने शेक्सपियर के पुस्तकालय का पुनर्निर्माण करने का प्रयास किया। )
  • Known primarily for her quiet, captivating voice, Doiron sings with a style slightly different from previous releases. ( मुख्य रूप से उसे शांत, लुभावना आवाज के लिए जाना जाता है, दिरोयन पिछले रिलीज से थोड़ा अलग शैली के साथ गाता है। )
  • His children had apparently never seen anything more captivating . ( उनके बच्चों ने स्पष्ट रूप से कुछ भी अधिक मनोरम नहीं देखा था। )

More Sentence

  • In contrast to the opening 45 minutes, the second period proved captivating .
  • Upon close observation, you will find inspiration in each of the artist's captivating images.
  • Still more captivating are Greaves' architectural structures, a dozen in all, installed at the four corners of the site.
  • The opposing sizzle may be more captivating then rational discourse.
  • The sixth piece, which consisted of light string combinations, was the quartet's least captivating performance.
  • Dressed in a white cotton suit Pep reeled the audience in with his captivating voice.