captain - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of captain in Hindi
- कप्तान
- कैप्टन
- सेनापति
- नेता
- जहाज का अध्यक्ष
captain Definition
- be the captain of (a ship, aircraft, or sports team). ( (एक जहाज, विमान या खेल टीम) के कप्तान हो। )
- the person in command of a ship. ( एक जहाज की कमान में व्यक्ति। )
captain Example
- captain of the 20th precinct ( 20 वें प्रीटिंक के कप्तान )
- Through repeated rehearsals, a captain can adjust his defensive strategy and intercept virtual attackers before they reach their targets. ( बार-बार रिहर्सल के माध्यम से, एक कप्तान अपनी रक्षात्मक रणनीति को समायोजित कर सकता है और अपने लक्ष्य तक पहुँचने से पहले आभासी हमलावरों को रोक सकता है। )
- The car was quickly surrounded by police and the captain approached the driver to handle the tense situation. ( कार जल्दी से पुलिस से घिरा हुआ था और कप्तान ने तनावपूर्ण स्थिति को संभालने के लिए चालक से संपर्क किया। )
- So, he quickly wrote a note and passed his concern to the aircraft captain via one of the backseat crewmembers. ( इसलिए, उन्होंने जल्दी से एक नोट लिखा और विमान के कप्तान के लिए अपनी चिंता को बैकसीट क्रू में से एक के माध्यम से पारित कर दिया। )
- Three to five platoons form a company, which is commanded by a captain with a first sergeant as the commander's principal NCO assistant. ( तीन से पांच प्लाटून एक कंपनी बनाते हैं, जिसे एक कमांडर द्वारा कमांडर के प्रमुख एनसीओ सहायक के रूप में पहले हवलदार के रूप में नियुक्त किया जाता है। )
- Cumberland later went back to sea with one captain and five commanders on board - the six are shortly to assume command of their own frigates and destroyers. ( कंबरलैंड बाद में एक कप्तान और पांच कमांडरों के साथ समुद्र में वापस चला गया - छह जल्द ही अपने फ्रिगेट और विध्वंसक की कमान संभालने के लिए हैं। )
More Sentence
- I happen to be reading the diary of Betsy Freemantle, the wife of a naval captain during the Napoleonic Wars.
- One is an Army captain with a master's degree in archaeology.
- At the request of the police HQI, the captain called on the crowd to disperse, which it did.
- When Darwin sailed around the world on his great quest, the captain of the good ship Beagle was Robert FitzRoy.
- The first person I spoke with was an older woman who said she was a Democratic Party precinct captain in Detroit and had been asked to attend by her state representative.
- Carly's eye went to the man, who wore the uniform of an Oneonta Police captain .
- The people in these organizations - from party leader to ward heeler to precinct captain to loyal voter - mattered.
- The captain of one ship sends a message to a sailor on deck.
- In a lawsuit filed in the late 1990s, Moose was accused of discriminating against a gay police captain .
- The prosecutor said a police officer boarded the aircraft while the captain was preparing for the flight to Dalaman in Turkey.
- In 1854, after nearly three years as police captain , Brennan made his first run for elective office, seeking the influential post of police justice.
- Imagine you are the captain of a sports team facing an important match and you want to speak to everyone to persuade them to do their best.
- The team captain leveled a thinly veiled criticism at the club president just last week.
- The captain and one co-pilot will be in the pilots' seats for both takeoff and landing, but during the flight all crewmembers take turns at the controls.
- Should the game run its full course, the trophy will be handed to the captain of the winning team late on Sunday.
- The aircraft's captain said that two aircraft had just flown into the World Trade Center.
- No doubt the two lieutenants, one captain , and the major looking over its sergeant's shoulder had something to do with that.
- How was it different, playing another man's songs, and being a deckhand instead of the captain of the ship?
- This training manual covers every aspect of restaurant customer service for the positions of captain , waiter or waitress, and busser.
- Jessica was beginning to doubt if she had the right warehouse when she overheard a policeman talking with the captain .
- He also mentioned that the captain of that aircraft has been flying for more than 10 years, but 10 years with Southwest.
- the cup was presented to the winning team's captain
- How many times as children did we pretend we were the captain of a pirate ship sailing the Spanish Main?
- It was hoped that a high tide might help the captain refloat the vessel.