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capacity - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of capacity in Hindi

  • क्षमता
  • योग्यता
  • गुंज़ाइश
  • आयतन
  • बूता
  • बिसात
  • हैसियत
  • स्थिति
  • सामर्थ्य

capacity Definition

  • the maximum amount that something can contain. ( अधिकतम राशि जिसमें कुछ हो सकता है। )
  • the ability or power to do, experience, or understand something. ( किसी चीज को करने, अनुभव करने या समझने की क्षमता या शक्ति। )
  • a specified role or position. ( एक निर्दिष्ट भूमिका या स्थिति। )

capacity Example

  • And businesses with plants not working at full capacity because of reduced demand are not likely to rush into a lot of new investments. ( और कम मांग के कारण पूरी क्षमता से काम नहीं करने वाले प्लांट के कारोबार में बहुत सारे नए निवेश आने की संभावना नहीं है। )
  • Intelligence is the capacity for learning and intuitive understanding. ( बुद्धिमत्ता सीखने और सहज ज्ञान की क्षमता है। )
  • She explained that Invesco which is a franchise holder of Coca Cola International, had the capacity to improve standards and quality of the range of products. ( उन्होंने बताया कि इंवेसको जो कोका कोला इंटरनेशनल का फ्रैंचाइज़ी धारक है, उसके पास उत्पादों की श्रेणी के मानकों और गुणवत्ता में सुधार करने की क्षमता थी। )
  • However, currently it is doubtful whether a single international agency has the capacity or the moral authority to produce such a framework. ( हालांकि, वर्तमान में यह संदेह है कि क्या किसी एकल अंतर्राष्ट्रीय एजेंसी के पास ऐसी रूपरेखा तैयार करने की क्षमता या नैतिक अधिकार है। )
  • The match had all the essential ingredients of a footballing banquet, quality players with an abundance of skill and a near - capacity crowd. ( मैच में एक फुटबॉल भोज के सभी आवश्यक तत्व, गुणवत्ता वाले खिलाड़ी कौशल और बहु-क्षमता वाली भीड़ के साथ थे। )

More Sentence

  • The mayor said artistes had the capacity to contribute positively to the growth of the Zambian economic dream as the country could no longer rely on the copper industry.
  • his capacity to inspire trust in others
  • Some of the participants have remained involved with the project to assist in a voluntary capacity .
  • After a brief wait at the end of their set, the 500 - capacity crowd at Victoria Hall got to see the man they had waited for.
  • Billy Graham was drawing capacity crowds around the world when John Paul II was still a junior professor in Poland.
  • The project at full capacity is designed to produce 12500 tons of zinc per month.
  • Previously, he held the position in an acting capacity .
  • The problem lies with the capacity of the international community to react, not with its analysis or information gathering.
  • Siu said the maximum actual use instead of the maximum capacity of swimming pools was used to decide the number of lifeguards deployed.
  • Bibi Zainob Baksh attended in her capacity as president of the Ladies' Muslim Organization.
  • The extra unit will also free up more space and enable the firm to double its production capacity .
  • Wilson recognizes the amazing capacity for the camp experience to change the lives of inner-city youth in powerful ways.
  • the capacity of the freezer is 1.1 cubic feet
  • The engines were just over 5.6 litres in capacity and were 8 cylinders in line.
  • I was impressed by her capacity for hard work
  • The head of the Special Investigating Unit, on the other hand, was appointed by the President in his capacity as head of the government.
  • I have simply written about the question in my capacity as a priest at St Edmund's Church.
  • Built in 1960, the room has a maximum capacity of more than 250 people.
  • Iran claims that over the next 20 years it intends to build several more reactors with a total capacity of 6,000 MW.
  • At full capacity the pipeline will provide 1% of the world's oil needs.
  • His second role is in the capacity of Chief Executive Officer (chief minister) of Andhra Pradesh.
  • The sales mean Boeing will be at full capacity through the end of this year, Commercial Airplanes Group Chief Executive Alan Mulally said last week.
  • The consortium - which serves in a voluntary capacity - is chaired by John Foley, chief executive of Waterford Crystal.
  • When this happens, it becomes difficult to maintain the capacity of the unused battery.
  • The ECJ was once again faced with a national fiscal measure that imposed a progressively higher tax based on the cylinder capacity of the car.