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canvas - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of canvas in Hindi

  • कैनवास
  • चित्रफलक
  • कनवास
  • किरमिच
  • कैन्वस

canvas Definition


  • a strong, coarse unbleached cloth made from hemp, flax, cotton, or a similar yarn, used to make items such as sails and tents and as a surface for oil painting. ( भांग, सन, कपास, या इसी तरह के यार्न से बना एक मजबूत, मोटे बिना कटा हुआ कपड़ा, जो पाल और टेंट जैसी वस्तुओं और तेल चित्रकला के लिए एक सतह बनाने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है। )


  • cover with canvas. ( कैनवास के साथ कवर करें। )

canvas Example

  • Then it comes, one of the most vicious right uppercuts I've ever seen, and lands flush on Frazier's chin and he sinks to the canvas . ( फिर यह आता है, सबसे शातिर सही अपरकेस में से एक जिसे मैंने कभी देखा है, और फ्रेज़ियर की ठोड़ी पर भूमि बहती है और वह कैनवास पर डूब जाता है। )
  • the painting is oil on canvas ( पेंटिंग कैनवास पर तेल है )
  • He makes a detailed drawing before he starts painting with oils on canvas or linen. ( कैनवास या लिनन पर तेलों के साथ पेंटिंग शुरू करने से पहले वह एक विस्तृत चित्र बनाता है। )
  • Cover shrubs, the ground, and walkways with canvas drop cloths. ( कवर झाड़ियों, जमीन, और कैनवास ड्रॉप क्लॉथ्स के साथ पैदल मार्ग। )
  • Tirianna carefully sneaked over to the tapestry and Sicirin pulled her beneath the embroidered canvas . ( टिरियाना सावधानी से टेपेस्ट्री के ऊपर आ गई और सिसिरिन ने उसे कशीदाकारी कैनवास के नीचे खींच लिया। )

More Sentence

  • The final piece is a blank canvas accompanied by a block of dense text larger than the work itself.
  • The cast members will be subsisting on 1897 type supplies: canvas tents, no mosquito repellent, canned and dry goods.
  • In the Black Paintings of Frank Stella, symmetry locks the image to the surface of the canvas .
  • Ingle was out cold the second the left hook connected with his chin and he was motionless on the canvas as his corner men, paramedics and doctors scrambled through the ropes to save his life.
  • The place where she's landed could be the canvas of a boxing ring, that's how happy she is to be home.
  • Once the canvas is prepared, the size and texture of the canvas determines the subject of the piece.
  • Each ship was carrying gunpowder and the ships were made of wood with canvas sails.
  • Bingham sprang from the car, hauling an old blue and gold canvas duffle bag.
  • Dacron sails have also largely replaced canvas sailcloth.
  • In their first meeting, Zulu knocked out Kamanga in the first round but the challenger accused Zulu of wrestling him to the canvas .
  • In Lucerne it was a dead heat with Italy and in Munich barely a canvas separated them and Belarus.
  • In less than five minutes, both fighters hit the canvas eleven times and Dempsey was knocked out of the ring.
  • The attack came as hundreds of troops were eating lunch under a large dining tent constructed of canvas and metal.
  • Ropes, canvas , tent poles, rugs, and oil for lamps were all there.
  • In the final sprint barely a canvas separated Germany, Estonia and Great Britain with this order remaining the same at the finish.
  • Fabrics such as twill, poplin, canvas , suede, denim and wool are also available in a variety of styles.
  • China and Russia made a race of the women's pair C final crossing the line within half a canvas of each other - China in front.
  • Only 250 metres was left and the United States had barely a canvas over Great Britain.
  • a thunderous uppercut sent him crashing to the canvas
  • Jimmy twice had the iron jawed Bonevena on the canvas , something Joe Frazier could not do in 25 rounds of fighting.
  • Sailcloth is a very strong, heavy canvas or duck made in plain weave.
  • I could see the weave of the canvas underneath in places.
  • It is more difficult upon a piece of white paper to deceive the expert spectator than it is with a lot of oil paint upon a canvas .
  • Two spots were available and coming out of the start four boats remained within a canvas of each other.
  • In the fourth round, Liston finally connected and sent Martin to the canvas .