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canopy - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of canopy in Hindi

  • चंदवा
  • शामियाना
  • मंडप
  • कैनोपी

canopy Definition


  • an ornamental cloth covering hung or held up over something, especially a throne or bed. ( एक सजावटी कपड़ा जो किसी चीज पर लटका होता है या ऊपर रखा जाता है, विशेषकर एक सिंहासन या बिस्तर। )


  • cover or provide with a canopy. ( कवर या एक चंदवा के साथ प्रदान करते हैं। )

canopy Example

  • After days of chilly early spring weather, a brilliant sun warmed the square, where the Pope sat in an armchair shaded by a canopy . ( मिर्च के शुरुआती वसंत के मौसम के बाद, एक शानदार सूरज ने वर्ग को गर्म कर दिया, जहां पोप एक चंदवा द्वारा छायांकित कुर्सी पर बैठे थे। )
  • On top of training costs, pilots must purchase their own canopy , harness, helmet and radio, which can be as much as 400,000. ( प्रशिक्षण लागत के शीर्ष पर, पायलटों को अपने स्वयं के चंदवा, हार्नेस, हेलमेट और रेडियो की खरीद करनी चाहिए, जो 400,000 तक हो सकती है। )
  • Cyclos are like rickshaws: you recline comfortably in front, shaded by a canopy , while your driver pedals you along the streets on a three wheeler. ( साइक्लोस रिक्शा की तरह होते हैं: आप एक चंदवा द्वारा छायांकित, सामने की ओर आराम से झुकते हैं, जबकि आपका चालक आपको तीन पहिया वाहन पर सड़कों पर ले जाता है। )

More Sentence

  • Finally, after what seemed like eternity, the officer seated in the shade of the canopy , called out my name.
  • I looked up at the jungle canopy above me and saw a tattered cloth tangled in the treetops.
  • Her bed was covered with linen bed coverings and a linen canopy that kept insects from disturbing her sleep.
  • Aermacchi is responsible for the forward fuselage, the integration of the gun and avionics, the canopy , and the tailbone.
  • The hall door is very fine, having outer casings and massive pillars supporting an ornamental canopy all of cut stone.
  • During our brief visit to this pathetic copse, our driver told us how the cedars of Lebanon used to stretch from Syria to Israel, a vast scented legendary canopy of a dozen million acres.
  • She's like a parachutist whose canopy has spread around her.
  • Fitted from the rim of the concrete canopy is a delicate frame of horizontal rings held in situ by a diagonal net of stainless-steel cables.
  • Most of them are epiphytes, growing with their roots not in soil but instead harmlessly clasping tree branches high in the forest canopy .
  • they mounted the station steps under the concrete canopy
  • The ejection seat will not fire until the canopy has departed the aircraft.
  • a full moon and a canopy of stars
  • Rev Graham waited to go on in an air-conditioned tent, with aides nearby in case of a medical emergency, and the stage was shaded by a massive canopy .
  • She was lying on a canvas army cot, under a cloth canopy .
  • They are primarily nocturnal, live only in forests with a dense canopy , and often rest during the day high up in trees.
  • Farms where the forest canopy is preserved support nearly as many species of migratory birds as mature undisturbed forests.
  • An overhead canopy of perforated metal panels helps to project sound and define a seating area for smaller lecture groups.
  • A garland of wildflowers crowned her head, and the scents rising from her body as she sat upon her throne beneath the bridal canopy filled her with joy.
  • The roof canopy is made up of stainless steel composite panels bonded to a bituminous rolled sheet over plywood.
  • The American chestnut did not really disappear from the eastern forests-it ceased to be a part of the forest canopy and is now a part of the shrub understory.
  • The most common escape tactics was a flight upward at a steep angle to the protective cover of the denser, inner part of the mature pine canopy .
  • Thin, white lace fell from the top point of the canopy and draped around the bed.
  • But even he has withdrawn to the shade of a canopy draped above a couple of threadbare sofas and that glorious moment now seems an age away.
  • In the fall of 1944, the commander of the Third Bomb Group flew the first aircraft with the bulged canopy and was delighted with the results.
  • To keep the temperature inside from getting too high, a canopy shades the growth chambers.
  • Even the loss of a few trees from the canopy hurts overwintering butterflies.
  • She parted the drapes of the canopy wider and sat upon the dusty bed.