cameraman - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of cameraman in Hindi
cameraman Definition
- a person whose profession involves operating a television or movie camera. ( ऐसा व्यक्ति जिसके पेशे में टेलीविज़न या मूवी कैमरा शामिल है। )
cameraman Example
- After a cut, the video camera pans right and a cameraman appears in long shot holding a film camera. ( एक कट के बाद, वीडियो कैमरा ठीक से बंद हो जाता है और एक कैमरामैन लंबे शॉट में फिल्मी कैमरा पकड़े हुए दिखाई देता है। )
- He was a cameraman , a director and an editor who had a gut reaction to a story and was passionate about his craft. ( वह एक कैमरामैन, एक निर्देशक और एक संपादक था, जिसे एक कहानी के प्रति प्रतिक्रिया थी और अपने शिल्प के बारे में भावुक था। )
- There are lives that unravel completely, with only a cameraman and a sound engineer as witnesses. ( पूरी तरह से एक कैमरामैन और एक गवाह के रूप में एक साउंड इंजीनियर के साथ, पूरी तरह से अनसुना कर रहे हैं। )
- The drama, on Sunday November 25, was captured on videotape by an Afghan cameraman . ( रविवार 25 नवंबर को नाटक, एक अफगान कैमरामैन द्वारा वीडियो टेप पर कब्जा कर लिया गया था। )
- I understand that he probably wasn't able to afford a professional cameraman . ( मैं समझता हूं कि वह शायद एक पेशेवर कैमरामैन का खर्च उठाने में सक्षम नहीं था। )
More Sentence
- Mick Westerman, the video cameraman , wondered if he was a better golfer than commentator.
- In the programme's opening credits, a cameraman on a large pulley produced a brilliant camera angle.
- The cameramen were filming the event, and the ever-present director was narrating.
- Photographers and television cameramen were allowed to take pictures of the two leaders just before the start of the session.
- Police forced the cameramen to discontinued filming the fight as Burns stumbled to the ground.
- Her car was pursued by a caravan of newspaper reporters, while television cameramen hovered overhead in helicopters.
- The cameramen filmed the explosion of a Pembroke aircraft, for a new spy series, The Sandbaggers, which goes out in September.
- It was especially bad for directors, but also cameramen and actors, who had a very poor standard of life.
- Crowds screamed at the soldiers while the task force attempted to stop cameramen from filming.
- Scenes of devastation are recorded by TV cameramen daily until the mind goes numb.
- When you announce that one of your staff was hurt, you expect phone calls from the families of all these reporters and cameramen .
- What is less well remembered is that one in five of the reporters and cameramen covering the event were sent to the hospital.
- The announcers and cameramen handled it professionally.
- To capture this took a heady mix of patient cameramen , infra-red cameras and ultra high-speed video.
- Officers watched the crowd through binoculars and police cameramen filmed participants' faces.