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calumny - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of calumny in Hindi

  • चुगली
  • अभिशाप
  • अपवाद
  • बदनामी
  • प्रवाद
  • आक्षेप
  • झूठा अभियोग
  • फजीहत
  • कलंक
  • मिथ्‍यापवाद

calumny Definition

  • the making of false and defamatory statements in order to damage someone's reputation; slander. ( किसी की प्रतिष्ठा को नुकसान पहुंचाने के लिए झूठे और मानहानिकारक बयान देना; बदनामी। )

calumny Example

  • a bitter struggle marked by calumny and litigation ( विपत्ति और मुकदमेबाजी द्वारा चिह्नित कड़वा संघर्ष )
  • When I buy Frank magazine and pass it around, I am doing evil for I am sharing in the sin of detraction and calumny . ( जब मैं फ्रैंक पत्रिका खरीदता हूं और इसे पास करता हूं, तो मैं बुराई के पाप और विपत्ति के पाप में साझा कर रहा हूं। )
  • Although it's likely that she will prevail in court, he has made an ugly situation even uglier by echoing a lot of calumny and spreading bald disinformation, thereby reaffirming public lies. ( यद्यपि यह संभावना है कि वह अदालत में चलेगी, लेकिन उसने बहुत अधिक बदनामी और गंज कीटाणु फैलाने से बदसूरत स्थिति को भी बदसूरत बना दिया है, जिससे सार्वजनिक झूठ की पुष्टि होती है। )
  • The suggestion that the knights had previously had any communication with King Henry is a gross calumny . ( यह सुझाव कि शूरवीरों का पहले राजा हेनरी के साथ कोई संवाद था, एक घोर विपत्ति है। )
  • The girls were doubtless out for a good time but they were perfectly law - abiding women and the calumny has unfairly stuck. ( लड़कियों को एक अच्छे समय के लिए संदेह से बाहर किया गया था, लेकिन वे पूरी तरह से कानून थे - महिलाओं का पालन करना और कैलीमी गलत तरीके से फंस गया है। )
  • As for my getting more and more curmudgeonly, that is an outright calumny ). ( के रूप में मेरे लिए अधिक से अधिक घुंघराले हो रही है, यह एक स्पष्ट विपत्ति है)। )

More Sentence

  • Weapons or slander do not cut it; fire or false presentation does not burn it; water or calumny does not moisten it, and wind or rumour does not dry it.
  • I resent the calumny that they've heaped on him.
  • The management of the countryside, in which we landowners and farmers take such pride and for which we so often receive so much calumny , is just doing the same things on a still larger scale.
  • This is a well-worn calumny .
  • That's her privilege, but I shan't forget the calumny in a hurry.
  • I'm sure both parts of this assertion are mere calumny .
  • I can only get away with this calumny because of the shield of anonymity.
  • I find myself the victim of a campaign of calumny and abuse.
  • What ethical responsibility does a bulletin board system bear towards publishing this calumny ?
  • Upon publication, he sued the newspaper for calumny because he was financially secure and was not in the shop-sign business.
  • Some people will tell you that it rains in Wales most days but that's a vicious calumny .
  • This calumny would be delightedly used by Caesar's enemies throughout his life to imply his homosexuality.
  • She is the victim of a terrible calumny for which cheats in her own profession must bear the blame.
  • But I hope that I may be allowed to point out a very grave misunderstanding and misattribution, and to protest the calumny with which the attack on me reaches its crescendo.
  • I'd just like to say that, having recently returned from Tangiers, this is a complete calumny against a fine bunch of traders.
  • Scandal, woe and calumny struck the otherwise genteel junior school carol concert last night.
  • As the first barrister briefed in that seminal case, it behoves me to respond to this ignorant calumny .
  • It creates a nexus of links that increase the chance that the calumny will come to the top of a google search.
  • It would be a calumny on the reputation of that great man to suggest it.
  • It pains us to be a subject of real calumny , unjustifiably so.
  • He defended his beliefs with vigour, but in the end was overwhelmed by the flood of insult and calumny to which he was subjected.
  • Incidentally, he takes her to task for disseminating such calumny .
  • Has it ever occurred to you that calumny is as grave a sin as witchcraft and that it would be advisable to at least know what you are talking about before you assassinate somebody's character?
  • You risk committing the sin of calumny .