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calligraphy - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of calligraphy in Hindi

  • सुलेख
  • हस्तलिपि
  • लिखावट
  • ख़ुशख़ती
  • हस्तलिपि-विद्या
  • ख़ुशनवीसी
  • ख़त
  • सुलेखकला
  • खुशनवीसी
  • सुलिपि

calligraphy Definition

  • decorative handwriting or handwritten lettering. ( सजावटी लिखावट या हस्तलिखित पत्र। )

calligraphy Example

  • Deeply influenced by Chinese traditional calligraphy and paintings, Qin uses the simplest and most compact constructions and patterns. ( चीनी पारंपरिक सुलेख और चित्रों से गहराई से प्रभावित, किन सरल और सबसे कॉम्पैक्ट निर्माण और पैटर्न का उपयोग करता है। )
  • The tools of calligraphy include accessories such as penholders, brush pots, ink boxes, paperweights, seals and seal boxes. ( सुलेख के उपकरण में पेनहोल्डर, ब्रश पॉट, इंक बॉक्स, पेपरवेट, सील और सील बॉक्स जैसे सहायक उपकरण शामिल हैं। )
  • Without doubt a creative person, Robert has tried his hand at calligraphy , oil painting and wood-carving. ( एक रचनात्मक व्यक्ति पर संदेह किए बिना, रॉबर्ट ने सुलेख, तेल चित्रकला और लकड़ी-नक्काशी में अपना हाथ आजमाया है। )
  • This attention to detail, beauty, and muscle control can later be transferred to cursive writing and beautiful calligraphy . ( विस्तार, सौंदर्य और मांसपेशियों पर नियंत्रण पर ध्यान बाद में सरसरी लेखन और सुंदर सुलेख पर स्थानांतरित किया जा सकता है। )
  • It was a simple, yet elegant invitation - all white, with a little emboss of flowers and the information written in calligraphy . ( यह एक सरल, अभी तक सुरुचिपूर्ण निमंत्रण था - सभी सफेद, फूलों के एक छोटे से एम्बॉस और सुलेख में लिखित जानकारी के साथ। )
  • Her desire to further her potential led her to explore the neglected art of calligraphy and she soon mastered the infinite possibilities of the Devanagri script. ( उसकी क्षमता को आगे बढ़ाने की उसकी इच्छा ने उसे सुलेख की उपेक्षित कला का पता लगाने के लिए प्रेरित किया और उसने जल्द ही देवनागरी लिपि की असीम संभावनाओं में महारत हासिल कर ली। )

More Sentence

  • Paintings of fruits, flowers, animals, and national anthem written in ornate Urdu calligraphy embellish its forehead.
  • Hearing this, Lanz reached into his pants pocket to pull out a small, crisp piece of paper, with something written in calligraphy .
  • Japanese calligraphy
  • A sign written in neat calligraphy says that this marks the spot of a village that was destroyed by a flood a year ago.
  • She gently pressed the note in her palm, touching the delicately written calligraphy with her fingertips.
  • The scriptwork, calligraphy and artwork are nothing short of magical and there is a further treat for bookish types as you get to wander through the barrel vaulted Long Room Library as well.
  • Folk arts to be taught include Chinese calligraphy , Chinese painting, paper cutting, paper tearing, knitting and flower arranging.
  • The curriculum covers not only language, but Chinese culture as well, including calligraphy and painting.
  • Many Palestinians are skilled in calligraphy and illustrate verses from the Koran in beautiful designs and sell them at art shows.
  • This is very different from Judo and other Japanese traditions, such as the art of calligraphy .
  • Later, the guqin was regarded as one of the four required arts for ancient Chinese scholars, including the art of Go, calligraphy and painting.
  • He handed me a note, folded neatly down the middle and lettered in flowing calligraphy .
  • Both clerical and cursive scripts are now regarded as forms of Chinese calligraphy .
  • Toward the end of the Yuan dynasty, scholar-painters moved on to landscape painting and calligraphy .
  • Qianlong proves a generous patron of the arts, supporting classical calligraphy , poetry and painting.
  • The last piece saw the coming together of the Chinese art of calligraphy with music.
  • She even made a placard written in calligraphy and in faultless rhyming couplets denouncing the union.
  • It was noted that most students lack a thorough background in typography, lettering and calligraphy .
  • Significantly, this confession of faith is written in the Gujarati script, rather than in Arabic calligraphy .
  • She picked up the fine blossom and began to read the words written in perfect flowing calligraphy .
  • As expressed in painting, writing and calligraphy , the moon inspired many Chinese scholars throughout the centuries.
  • Among contemporary artists, the most popular media are printmaking, calligraphy , and photography.
  • In Kuwait, as in many Islamic countries, the art of calligraphy is one of the most longstanding and thriving forms of expression.
  • The inside message was written in red calligraphy by David's own hand.