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cage - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of cage in Hindi

  • पिंजरा
  • जेल
  • मछली पालने का जहज़
  • आयरनरिंग
  • क़ैदख़ाना
  • लोह-वलय
  • ख़रगोश पालने का जहज़


  • पिंजरे में बंद देना
  • क़ैद करना
  • पिंजरे में बंद करना
  • जेल में डालना
  • कटघरा
  • कटहरा
  • घेरा

cage Definition


  • a structure of bars or wires in which birds or other animals are confined. ( सलाखों या तारों की एक संरचना जिसमें पक्षी या अन्य जानवर सीमित हैं। )


  • confine in or as in a cage. ( एक पिंजरे में या के रूप में। )

cage Example

  • Dad had placed us directly behind the home plate cage to avoid having any random balls flying at us. ( पिताजी ने हमें किसी भी यादृच्छिक गेंदों को उड़ाने से बचने के लिए सीधे होम प्लेट पिंजरे के पीछे रख दिया था। )
  • The heart of the stagecoach's chassis design is a strong cage that surrounds the passenger compartment and supports cargo on the roof. ( स्टेजकोच के चेसिस डिजाइन का दिल एक मजबूत पिंजरा है जो यात्री डिब्बे को घेरता है और छत पर कार्गो का समर्थन करता है। )
  • I broke a goalie's cage with my wrist shot. ( मैंने अपनी कलाई के शॉट से गोलकी के पिंजरे को तोड़ दिया। )
  • She'd awakened in a cell - a cage - her clothes gone, a blanket by her side. ( वह एक कोठरी में जागा - एक पिंजरा - उसके कपड़े चले गए, उसकी तरफ से एक कंबल। )
  • the bottle slots into a light cage on the bike's frame ( बोतल को बाइक के फ्रेम पर एक लाइट केज में रखा जाता है )
  • Residents were worried it would spoil their view and cage them in. ( निवासियों को चिंता थी कि यह उनके विचार को बिगाड़ देगा और उन्हें पिंजरे में बंद कर देगा। )
  • The trick is to cage these animal natures in effective institutions: education, the law, government. ( शिक्षा, कानून, सरकार: प्रभावी संस्थानों में इन जानवरों के जाल को रोकने के लिए चाल है। )

More Sentence

  • his cage of loneliness
  • each cage had a commanding officer who acted on behalf of the prisoners
  • Though you will have to look through the affixed mesh cage designed to keep those pesky angst filled teenagers from making life difficult for the street cleaners.
  • He wants to cage suspects for up to 90 days without trial.
  • Reflecting on the enthusiasm in high offices for university extravaganzas, Charlie wonders about the proposed multi-million dollar athletic cage .
  • He looked around and saw that he was in a cell, a cage .
  • You can step into a batter's cage and hit a few out of the ballpark with one of the baseball games, or go for the gold in racing, skateboarding or tennis.
  • In future, should I leave the house I will cage the dogs no matter who else is in the house with them.
  • Living space does not include a structure, such as a doghouse, in which an animal is not confined, or a cage , crate, or other structure in which the animal is temporarily confined.
  • A wire cage around each container supports the plants as they grow.
  • In July he made a personal appeal to the community to help cage a pervert who subjected a mother of two to a horrifying sex attack, after a poor public response to an e-fit picture.
  • To the right is the batting-practice cage , where we lean the costumes upside-down.
  • And any animal that lives in a cage , from birds to gerbils, will produce droppings that can attract mold and dust.
  • Angel and Lucius meet for an hour a day for exercise in a cage on the prison roof.
  • It all began with a variety of events in the workshops, the half pipe, the basketball court, the soccer cage , the children's area and last but not least the karaoke tent.
  • The horses were fed and watered as the guard who stopped them dragged me from the cage and towards a cell.
  • Once the game begins, he will watch a few innings, then go to an indoor cage .
  • At around 17:20, the victim undertook the last work for the day by loading a carrying cart into the cage of the elevator, pushing the button for the second floor and the elevator ascended to the second floor.
  • we passed the lift shafts, each with its rattling metal cage
  • Then he made him limp into a prison cage and locked him in.
  • she kept a canary in a cage
  • We urge law enforcement agencies to cage the erring or even unruly drivers to restore order on roads and in stations.
  • The wind flowed from the respective blower is bypassed the illuminators, thereby entering into the inside of the elevator cage .