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caffeine - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of caffeine in Hindi

  • कैफीन
  • कॉफी-सार


  • काफ़ीयन

caffeine Definition

  • a crystalline compound that is found especially in tea and coffee plants and is a stimulant of the central nervous system. ( एक क्रिस्टलीय यौगिक है कि विशेष रूप से चाय और कॉफी पौधों में पाया और केंद्रीय तंत्रिका तंत्र के एक उत्तेजक है है। )

caffeine Example

  • They have a similar effect to tea or coffee, since they contain the same alkaloid, caffeine . ( वे चाय या कॉफी के समान प्रभाव रखते हैं, क्योंकि उनमें समान क्षारीय, कैफीन होता है। )
  • It has the same chemical composition as caffeine , and the same physiological action. ( इसमें कैफीन के समान रासायनिक संरचना है, और समान शारीरिक क्रिया है। )
  • The stimulant effects of caffeine in coffee are well known to help improve energy and alertness. ( कॉफी में कैफीन के उत्तेजक प्रभाव ऊर्जा और सतर्कता को बेहतर बनाने में मदद करने के लिए जाने जाते हैं। )
  • Copious quantities of caffeine and alcohol will stimulate the production of urine, so keep them to a minimum. ( कैफीन और अल्कोहल की प्रचुर मात्रा मूत्र के उत्पादन को उत्तेजित करेगी, इसलिए उन्हें कम से कम रखें। )
  • If nothing else, the unexpected jolt of caffeine will get you through the rest of the day. ( यदि और कुछ नहीं, तो कैफीन का अप्रत्याशित झटका आपको बाकी दिनों में मिलेगा। )

More Sentence

  • The second major effect of caffeine is its increase of dopamine levels in the body.
  • Limit the amount of caffeine you consume to no more than two cups of coffee per day.
  • If you like caffeine , you can include two or three tea bags of either black or green tea.
  • Eliminate or restrict severely the intake of stimulants such as caffeine or alcohol.
  • Also, try to avoid drinking too much tea and coffee as caffeine can increase anxiety levels.
  • While the colas do contain some caffeine , they are not equal to the real stuff.
  • From what I hear it's basically a stimulant similar to caffeine but without the crash at the end.
  • It could take all day and part of the night for the body to rid its systems of caffeine .
  • A good dose of caffeine stimulated just the right amount of thought, he figured.
  • She pointed out that I had a habit of not eating at all on race day and drinking a lot of caffeine .
  • He'd made his own cup with extra caffeine to help shake off such an early start to the day.
  • The caffeine in the coffee brought a welcome kick to wake us up after our super-stodgy lunch.
  • Decaffenation is the process of removing caffeine from products that contain it.
  • A tea or coffee plant can probably grow perfectly well without caffeine .
  • In flowering plant pollen tubes, caffeine disrupts vesicle zonation at the tip and stops elongation.