cacophony - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of cacophony in Hindi
- कोलाहल
- शोर
- धूम
- बेसुरापन
- स्वर कर्कशता
- कर्कशध्वनि
cacophony Definition
- a harsh, discordant mixture of sounds. ( ध्वनियों का एक कठोर, अप्रिय मिश्रण। )
cacophony Example
- The constant sound of Calcutta is the cacophony of horns and the descant of millions of crows. ( कलकत्ता की निरंतर ध्वनि सींगों का कैकोफनी और लाखों कौवे का वंशज है। )
- The mind instantly converts an innocent remark into a cacophony of suggestive possibilities. ( मन तुरंत एक मासूम टिप्पणी को विचारोत्तेजक संभावनाओं के कैकोफोनी में बदल देता है। )
- Reality is a thunderous cacophony of millions of impressions surging in on us at every moment. ( हकीकत हर पल हम पर करोड़ों इंप्रेशन उछालने का वज्रपात है। )
More Sentence
- Outlined in the speech was a cacophony of putative legislation - it's going to be a packed parliamentary session.
- The woods became alive with sound, a great cacophony of noises rising as the two beings fought.
- When she did the right side there was a cacophony of cracks that sounded like fireworks going off.
- a cacophony of architectural styles
- Birds form a group and create a cacophony of sound to ward off the attacks.
- It was every bit as delicious as it sounds, a cacophony of flavours in which the oysters still managed to hold their own.
- Thunder rumbled and wind let out in a cacophony of screeches.
- Whereas before, it was a discordant cacophony of voices, now there is a clear message being communicated by one side to the other.
- Buddy is both daunted and enraptured by the cacophony of sights and sounds of the big city.
- At the initial stage, there is bound to be a glut of representation resulting in a cacophony of rhetoric.
- The resultant cacophony afforded the proprietor his first opportunity to speak.
- a cacophony of deafening alarm bells
- The carnival parade was a blast of colour and a cacophony of sound.
- At home, at work and in the street the cacophony never ceases.
- The spirit of togetherness, of giving, of peace and goodwill overcomes the commercial cacophony .
- This leaves the orchestra without a conductor, and a musical cacophony verging on dissonance.
- The result is a cacophony , and nobody is the wiser about what is happening or is likely to happen to the economy.
- This cacophony will not espouse one Political agenda, one religion, or one culture.
- songs of unrelieved cacophony
- A cacophony of rhythms and sounds stream through the studio walls and flood the air.
- Together, her many voices create for the reader a symphony, discordant thought not cacophonous , of her being.
- He twists and turns in his efforts to get away from the cacophonous dissonance, and then untwists himself to get out of his sheets.
- But the distortion is kept to a minimum as they reach for different tools to hit dizzying new heights, creating cacophonous peaks only to expertly let the moments implode into stark, hypnotic introspection.
- Energy, however, unless properly channeled, formally controlled and orchestrated, can end up as pandemonium - a lot of senseless rushing around and a merciless, cacophonous din.
- Our past has become the cacophonous cathedral of the American conversation, while our once-ranging future has shrunk into a snug and warm place, as cozy and shag carpeted as a suburban den.