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cache - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of cache in Hindi

  • कैश
  • द्रुतिका


  • छिपाने की जगह
  • गुप्त जगह

cache Definition


  • store away in hiding or for future use. ( छिपने के लिए या भविष्य में उपयोग के लिए स्टोर करें। )


  • a collection of items of the same type stored in a hidden or inaccessible place. ( एक ही प्रकार की वस्तुओं के संग्रह को एक छिपी हुई या दुर्गम जगह पर संग्रहीत किया जाता है। )

cache Example

  • We cache alcohol around bases like so many weapons of mass destruction. ( हम शराब को बड़े पैमाने पर विनाश के कई हथियारों की तरह अड्डों के आसपास कैश करते हैं। )
  • the operating system tries to cache every disk operation ( ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम हर डिस्क ऑपरेशन को कैश करने की कोशिश करता है )
  • For years the Dawson cabin was just that, a cabin and an elevated storage cache . ( सालों तक डॉसन केबिन सिर्फ एक केबिन और एक उन्नत भंडारण कैश था। )
  • typical cache sizes range from 64K to 256K ( विशिष्ट कैश आकार 64K से 256K तक होता है )
  • Agoutis feed on some of the seeds immediately and cache others for future consumption; uneaten seeds germinate about a year later. ( Agoutis तुरंत कुछ बीजों पर फ़ीड करते हैं और भविष्य में खपत के लिए दूसरों को कैश करते हैं; एक वर्ष बाद अंकुरित बीज अंकुरित होते हैं। )

More Sentence

  • One officer was injured, and police recovered a large cache of arms from the rebels, the official said.
  • Perhaps you are expected to have a hidden cache of gold when you come to the country, but I assume you do not.
  • One of most important and satisfying factoids I have ever learned is that while squirrels may cache fifty pounds of nuts in a year that half are lost to the squirrel because they forget where they put them.
  • To replace them, the epidermis relies on a cache of stem cells stored near the epidermal-dermal border.
  • What's more, the house had a cache of hidden rooms from which one could access ever-grander aspects of it, including a movie theater.
  • The press, initially lulled into thinking collectively that some hidden cache of wonder lay beneath the claims, has finally recognized it has been conned.
  • For large RAM systems, however, the operating system tries to cache every disk operation.
  • the device comes complete with 4MB of RAM to cache the hard drive
  • I've often wished for something similar, actually - my OS has been using spare RAM to cache the hard drive since the year dot, why not use spare hard drive to cache the CD/DVD drive as well?
  • It was armed with a cache of stuffed animals and sparkles with the intent of staging a mock siege of the fenced-in leaders.
  • a cache of gold coins
  • The cache transmits the address of the cache block as a write transaction on an interface to the cache , and the cache captures the address from the interface and reads the cache block from the cache memory in response to the address.
  • No cache of arms has been found, no plans for future malevolence.
  • Hulbert had been right in his assumption that this had been an ancient storage pit or cache .
  • The stakes are raised when they find a suspicious cache of gold.
  • They cache extra acorns in holes in the ground, and pound on hard nuts with their bills to break them open.
  • The requesting node will cache downloads temporarily, although the mechanism by which locally cached data will be purged or randomized once the download is complete is not clear to us.
  • an arms cache
  • A cache of arms was found at the gate but it lay unused and abandoned after the guards fled.
  • Do you want to post this straight away, or just cache it for later?
  • he decided that they must cache their weapons
  • One successful approach to improving performance is the use of storage network management devices that add a layer of cache in front of storage.
  • Flickers and bluebirds seek them out for nesting cavities and red squirrels eagerly cache the high-energy pine cones.
  • You told the system how much memory to use to cache the hard drive, and that memory couldn't be used for any other purpose.
  • Yes, since it can't find either small coin caches or large buried treasures, it performs equally well for each task.