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bygone - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of bygone in Hindi

  • पुराना
  • विगत, व्यतीत, बीता हुआ, गुजरा हुआ

bygone Definition


  • belonging to an earlier time. ( पहले के समय से संबंधित है। )


  • a thing dating from an earlier time. ( एक बात एक पुराने समय से डेटिंग। )

bygone Example

  • I see something of several male friends from those bygone days and they too report that they never hear from their old girlfriends. ( मैं उन बीते दिनों के कई पुरुष मित्रों को देखता हूं और वे यह भी रिपोर्ट करते हैं कि वे अपनी पुरानी गर्लफ्रेंड से कभी नहीं सुनते। )
  • Yes, this is a faux period piece, with extravagant costumes and peachy Technicolor colours from bygone movies. ( जी हाँ, यह एक फॉक्स पीरियड पीस है, जिसमें फालतू के कॉस्ट्यूम और आड़ू फिल्मों के पीच टेक्नीकलर कलर्स हैं। )
  • It has lent its support to Keighley Bus Museum's search for a permanent site to house its collection of bygone buses. ( यह केगली बस संग्रहालय की एक स्थायी साइट के लिए खोज के लिए अपना समर्थन उधार दे चुका है, जो कि बसों के संग्रह का अपना घर है। )
  • Tourists would marvel at the elegant ingenuity of a bygone age. ( पर्यटक एक बीते युग की सुरुचिपूर्ण सरलता में अद्भुत होगा। )
  • It is one of the most stunning buildings in the Clyde Valley and clearly belongs to a bygone age of sumptuous extravagance. ( यह क्लाइड घाटी में सबसे आश्चर्यजनक इमारतों में से एक है और स्पष्ट रूप से शानदार असाधारण की एक बीते युग की है। )

More Sentence

  • He spoke about how certain people are heroes but they are all bygone .
  • Moreover, English class society of a bygone era seems a relatively easy target.
  • And is it really the business of government to prop up the ancient memorials of a bygone era?
  • The Street administration portrays the mounted unit as a relic of a bygone era.
  • The traditions and proceedings of the Commons are largely derived from a bygone age and none more so than it's adversarial nature.
  • The poet also dreams nostalgically of bygone years and of lost childhood.
  • There are plenty of houses and churches where you can soak up the carefully arranged atmosphere of bygone Bloomsbury.
  • The atmosphere of Strawberry Hill is one of gracious hospitality - again somehow it speaks of a bygone age.
  • The Colonel is a self-fashioned sleuth who seems to belong to a bygone era.
  • The book contains many photographs of bygone times and also includes former electric tramways in the area.
  • Now the houses of these bygone families have become a focus for visiting tourists and history buffs.
  • Looking back, I suppose it was a relic from a bygone age even then.
  • The steam locomotive evokes nostalgic memories of a bygone era with its glory and old age charm.
  • They represent bygone ages and social changes that occurred round the world.
  • So once again Europe was simply recalling the glories of the ancient bygone age on behalf of the natives.
  • Never pays much attention does Anglia - more interested in his farming diary or talking about bygones .
  • It was he who spotted the potential of the Pickering doctor's collection of bygones , and pushed for the creation of what became York Castle Museum.
  • The painful ache of regrets and bygones slowly fade into a mixture of brandy and honey.
  • Other modern bygones would include radios, TV sets and motorcycling gear.
  • Recollections of bygones are merely threatening to stalk him in the here and now.
  • Apparently, bygones haven't been gone by for long enough yet, and the attempt was repulsed.
  • The brittleness of both Old Firm defences meant the invoking of bygones in the lead-up to yesterday's derby.
  • But it might be another story when it comes to bygones in terms of his relationship with this White House.
  • The astonishing collection of antiques, bygones and collectibles of Lincolnshire artist is expected to attract hundreds of fans.
  • Villagers are appealing for bygones and curios as they take their plans for a madcap ‘inland regatta’ a step forward.