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buzzard - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of buzzard in Hindi

  • बज़ार्ड
  • शिकरा, श्येनक, बाज की किस्म

buzzard Definition

  • a large hawklike bird of prey with broad wings and a rounded tail, typically seen soaring in wide circles. ( व्यापक पंखों और एक गोल पूंछ के साथ शिकार का एक बड़ा बाज पक्षी, आमतौर पर व्यापक हलकों में बढ़ते देखा गया। )

buzzard Example

  • In Scotland, gamekeepers blame the buzzard , a protected bird, for the deaths of thousands of partridges, pheasants, and waders such as curlews and plovers. ( स्कॉटलैंड में, गेमरर्स ने हजारों दलितों, तीतरों, और वेलेर जैसे कि कर्ल और प्लॉवर्स की मौतों के लिए बज़र्ड, एक संरक्षित पक्षी को दोषी ठहराया। )
  • The common buzzard bears little resemblance to the vulture (not shown), which is a buzzard in nicknameonly. ( आम बज़र्ड गिद्ध (नहीं दिखाया गया) से थोड़ा समानता रखता है, जो कि उपनाम में एक चर्चा है। )
  • I sat there, with the sun beating down on me, the wind whistling in my hair and the sound of a buzzard overhead looking for prey. ( मैं वहाँ बैठ गया, सूरज मुझ पर धड़क रहा था, हवा मेरे बालों में सीटी बजा रही थी और एक भनभनाहट की आवाज़ शिकार की तलाश में थी। )
  • But the common buzzard , found across much of Europe and Asia, is a hawk, not a vulture. ( लेकिन यूरोप और एशिया के अधिकांश हिस्सों में पाया जाने वाला आम बजर, गिद्ध है, न कि गिद्ध। )
  • The second tale was also to do with predators, and the present obsession with preserving every hawk and buzzard on the wing. ( दूसरी कहानी शिकारियों के साथ भी थी, और पंख पर हर बाज और भनभनाहट के साथ वर्तमान जुनून था। )
  • The buzzard , soaring at a great height, suddenly finds itself caught up in a current of air against which it is impossible to battle. ( बुलडोजर, एक बड़ी ऊंचाई पर बढ़ते हुए, अचानक खुद को हवा की एक वर्तमान स्थिति में पकड़ लेता है जिसके खिलाफ लड़ाई करना असंभव है। )

More Sentence

  • Large amounts of rubbish in the streets and round buildings attracted scavenging birds such as gulls, buzzards , ravens and red kites when things were quiet.
  • It features free-flying displays and an opportunity for people to see at close hand some 30 different birds of prey, including eagles, buzzards and falcons.
  • After owls, U.K. government figures identify kestrels, common buzzards , and peregrine falcons as other raptors most likely to end up as roadkill.
  • We didn't catch that fish, or any fish, but we had a great day with kingfishers, peregrine falcons and buzzards for company.
  • Done, he dragged brush over it so buzzards circling high above the manzanita-covered hills wouldn't eat of it and die.
  • Among birds of prey, buzzards and hawks of the genus Buteo are an extremely successful group that is widely distributed, being absent only in Australia, Antarctica, and most parts of the oriental region.
  • The only sound was three screaming buzzards soaring above me, there wasn't a soul around even though it was 10 a.m., it was cold and I could see the waves hitting the rocks, shooting up the spray.
  • With plenty of smaller birds and rabbits to prey on, all around the island kestrels hover, buzzards glide and peregrine falcons swoop.
  • In the woods I heard both green and great spotted woodpecker whilst overhead a pair of buzzards soared in a spectacular display flight.
  • The couple collected breeds of birds from every continent, including pheasants, herons, ibis, kestrels and buzzards .
  • Her husband developed congestive heart failure and experienced frequent hallucinations while in the hospital, including an especially haunting mirage of buzzards circling above him.
  • Birds as diverse as buzzards and coal tits are regularly seen.
  • Raptors - particularly buzzards , sparrowhawks and peregrines - are in abundance in the Scottish countryside.
  • In an ironic foreshadowing of a pivotal courtroom scene that will put Janie at the mercy of human vultures, the hungry buzzards focus on the ‘yaller’ mule.
  • Its enemies, circling like bold buzzards , want to serve up our schools to the marketplace, where the point of reference is what maximizes profit rather than what benefits children.
  • Other birds include a huge American bald eagle called Liberty, buzzards , Harris hawks, vultures, laughing kookaburras and a pelican.
  • In particular I am very concerned about the risk posed by the illegal use of poison to birds such as red kites, buzzards and hen harriers.
  • The air in the Lake District this weekend was so clear and quiet except for bird calls - buzzards , curlew, woodpeckers, geese and owls.
  • In the barn (one of only a handful that have not been developed in the locality) there are nesting pairs of barn owls, and sparrow hawks, while buzzards and peregrine falcons are regular visitors to the woods.