businesslike - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of businesslike in Hindi
businesslike Definition
- (of a person) carrying out tasks efficiently without wasting time or being distracted by personal or other concerns; systematic and practical. ( (किसी व्यक्ति का) समय बर्बाद किए बिना या व्यक्तिगत या अन्य चिंताओं से विचलित होकर कुशलतापूर्वक कार्यों को अंजाम देना; व्यवस्थित और व्यावहारिक। )
businesslike Example
- Madeline was dressed professionally and fashionably, in a businesslike skirt and blouse. ( मैडलिन एक व्यावसायिक रूप से स्कर्ट और ब्लाउज में पेशेवर और फैशनेबल कपड़े पहने हुए थी। )
- Amelia said in her most serious and an even businesslike way. ( अमेलिया ने उसे सबसे गंभीर और समान रूप से व्यावसायिक तरीके से कहा। )
- She seemed very efficient, and wore short but businesslike skirts and collared blue shirts. ( वह बहुत कुशल लग रही थी, और छोटी लेकिन व्यापारिक रूप से स्कर्ट और कॉलर वाली नीली शर्ट पहनी थी। )
- Coffee was characterized as businesslike rather than frivolous, as reasonable rather than impulsive. ( कॉफी को फिजूलखर्ची के बजाय व्यवसायिक के रूप में चित्रित किया गया, आवेगी के बजाय उचित। )
- Hammond has scoured the world looking for on-the-ground examples of his businesslike approach to social change. ( हैमोंड ने सामाजिक परिवर्तन के लिए अपने व्यावसायिक दृष्टिकोण के ऑन-द-ग्राउंड उदाहरणों की तलाश में दुनिया को डरा दिया है। )
- We believe we should get a more professional, businesslike approach as a result of that, and I believe there will be a closer look at roading and the rail-track. ( हमारा मानना है कि हमें इसके परिणामस्वरूप अधिक पेशेवर, व्यावसायिक दृष्टिकोण प्राप्त करना चाहिए, और मुझे विश्वास है कि रोइंग और रेल-ट्रैक पर करीब से नज़र होगी। )
- All these things are completely unromantic, very sober, very businesslike - the members are registered, trained, controlled. ( ये सभी चीजें पूरी तरह से असंयमित हैं, बहुत शांत, बहुत व्यवसायिक - सदस्यों को पंजीकृत, प्रशिक्षित, नियंत्रित किया जाता है। )
More Sentence
- Today's smart jacket and dark trousers are infinitely more businesslike .
- Directors are taking a more businesslike approach to everything they do.
- The front is strong in execution too, and the detail of the style elements has an elegant cohesion that looks very businesslike when approaching in the rear view mirror.
- We have seen a change over the last probably 10 or so years to a certainly more businesslike approach to pastoral enterprises.
- He learned to follow their low-key, businesslike approach because it was the best way to fit in with the group.
- ‘A clear and businesslike approach will insulate decisions from political whims,’ he adds.
- The blocky, black, businesslike appearance of the stock pistol has been replaced by a two-tone visage that testifies unambiguously to extensive alteration.
- This essay begins by describing the policy innovation that began in the mid-1980s. Market-based policy ideas and a more businesslike approach were adopted.
- She had a strict, businesslike appearance about her.
- I'm enormously proud of what was achieved there, especially the much more businesslike approach to managing the park.
- He was tall, had shoulder-length black hair, and wore a very businesslike suit with a white shirt and a black and white stripped tie, which made him look like a stern president of a very large corporation.
- Last week, with scarcely a lifted eyebrow, that changed to the more businesslike approach that we are all grown-ups together and should behave as such.
- And that means a businesslike approach to determine a return on investment in ministry.
- The docks here in Gyo weren't much different from those in Shukumei, though perhaps more… friendly, and less strictly businesslike .
- That businesslike approach does help cash flow, and, in a calm world with a reliable supply chain, it needn't impinge on care.
- Due to her strict and pious upbringing Edith was a brisk, businesslike and rather straight-laced woman, serious with a no-nonsense attitude but still well liked by all who knew her.
- ‘That's good to hear,’ she said, her voice suddenly becoming more serious and businesslike .
- With the opinions of others being canvassed as well it all points to a mature and businesslike approach to filling a vacancy that does have unique requirements.
- In contrast to the businesslike tone of the letters received by businessmen, the email is more personal in its appeal to the readers.
- I found its low key, understated, businesslike appearance to become more appealing as I got used to it.
- Lifting an eyebrow, Lenore resumed her pose as businesslike and efficient.
- Sure she was wiry, but her businesslike combination of grey slacks and white blouse suggested someone quite demure.
- She had honey blonde hair and a short businesslike suit that showed off her nice looking legs.