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burn - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of burn in Hindi

  • जलाना


  • जलन
  • चोट
  • दाह


  • जलाना
  • जलना
  • उत्तेजित होना
  • उत्तेजित करना
  • झुलसाना
  • अग्नि
  • दहन करना
  • दग्ध-क्षेत्र
  • दग्ध

burn Definition


  • (of a fire) flame or glow while consuming a material such as coal or wood. ( (आग का) कोयला या लकड़ी जैसे पदार्थ का सेवन करते समय ज्वाला या चमक। )
  • (of a person, the skin, or a part of the body) become red and painful through exposure to the sun. ( (एक व्यक्ति की त्वचा, या शरीर का एक हिस्सा) सूरज के संपर्क में आने से लाल और दर्दनाक हो जाता है। )
  • use (a type of fuel) as a source of heat or energy. ( ऊष्मा या ऊर्जा के स्रोत के रूप में उपयोग (एक प्रकार का ईंधन)। )
  • produce (a compact disc or DVD) by copying from an original or master copy. ( एक मूल या मास्टर कॉपी से कॉपी करके (एक कॉम्पैक्ट डिस्क या डीवीडी) का उत्पादन करें। )
  • drive very fast. ( बहुत तेज चलाओ। )


  • an injury caused by exposure to heat or flame. ( गर्मी या लौ के संपर्क में आने के कारण लगी चोट। )
  • consumption of a type of fuel as an energy source. ( ऊर्जा स्रोत के रूप में एक प्रकार के ईंधन की खपत। )
  • an act of clearing vegetation by burning, intentionally or by accident. ( जलने, जानबूझकर या दुर्घटना से वनस्पति को साफ करने का एक कार्य। )
  • a hot, painful sensation in the muscles experienced as a result of sustained vigorous exercise. ( निरंतर जोरदार व्यायाम के परिणामस्वरूप मांसपेशियों में एक गर्म, दर्दनाक सनसनी का अनुभव होता है। )
  • a small stream; a brook. ( एक छोटी सी धारा; एक ब्रुक। )

burn Example

  • It is committed to the ballistic part of its trajectory from the latter portion of the rocket motor burn until it gets back down to breathable air. (  यह रॉकेट मोटर के उत्तरार्ध से अपने प्रक्षेपवक्र के बैलिस्टिक हिस्से में तब तक के लिए प्रतिबद्ध है जब तक कि यह वापस सांस की हवा में नहीं जाता। )
  • They coordinated and conducted an airfield burn of 160 acres, which reduced the safe habitat for small vermin. ( उन्होंने 160 एकड़ में एक एयरफील्ड बर्न का समन्वय और संचालन किया, जिससे छोटे वर्मिन के लिए सुरक्षित निवास स्थान कम हो गया। )
  • At $45 USD, the price is definitely right as it has the ability to burn CDs and read DVDs as well. ( $ 45 USD में, मूल्य निश्चित रूप से सही है क्योंकि इसमें सीडी को जलाने और डीवीडी को पढ़ने की क्षमता है। )
  • During its two-minute burn at liftoff, each motor generates an average thrust of 2.6 million pounds. ( लिफ्टऑफ़ में दो मिनट के जलने के दौरान, प्रत्येक मोटर 2.6 मिलियन पाउंड का औसत जोर उत्पन्न करता है। )
  • This means that an equivalent size beeswax candle will burn brighter, and for longer, than a paraffin wax one. ( इसका मतलब यह है कि एक बराबर आकार की मोम की मोमबत्ती चमकीले को जलाएगी, और लंबे समय तक, पैराफिन मोम की तुलना में। )
  • Razor burn and prickly underarm hair make the list of most women's annoying beauty battles. ( रेजर बर्न और कांटेदार अंडरआर्म बाल ज्यादातर महिलाओं की कष्टप्रद सौंदर्य लड़ाई की सूची बनाते हैं। )
  • If you're one of those souls who is blessed with gym discipline or a YMCA membership, then you know how satisfying the lingering burn of energized muscles can be. ( यदि आप उन आत्माओं में से एक हैं जिन्हें जिम अनुशासन या YMCA सदस्यता प्राप्त है, तो आप जानते हैं कि सक्रिय मांसपेशियों के लिंजिंग जलन को कैसे संतुष्ट किया जा सकता है। )

More Sentence

  • This puts fuel burn at around 180 pph for a twinjet aircraft.
  • Energy levels so much higher than normal, feel like jumping into the nearest burn and swimming upstream.
  • If I want to do that, I either need to burn an audio CD, or pipe it around in 128KB MP3.
  • a smooth shave without razor burn
  • Now the fuel burn is so high the situation has become critical.
  • As we have learnt from other countries such as Canada, America, and Australia, a timely burn is highly appropriate as long as the area is not burnt every few years.
  • However, that healthy little fella was safely returned, hopefully to make it up the burn come winter and subsequently add to the gene pool.
  • But take care - sensitive skin may burn after only a few minutes.
  • There can be too much of a good thing, however - burn areas with heavier snow packs are susceptible to avalanche.
  • Most backup diesel generators burn distillate fuel oil, the same fuel used for heating and for aircraft.
  • The result is a notably more enthusiastic Aerostar that offers a choice of extra speed for extra fuel burn or the old speed for roughly the same burn .
  • Contour was programmed to re-establish telemetry contact with the ground following the burn , however, no signal was received.
  • Outside, most of the grounds are grassland, bordered to the south by a burn with the gardens mainly lawn.
  • natural gas produces the cleanest burn of the lot
  • It also asserts that the fuel burn is 21-22 per cent lower per seat for the longer-range 777s.
  • This is the time to be planning for quick removal of the residue and an early burn to allow good regrowth going into the winter.
  • Scientists suspect that the final rocket burn sent the spacecraft slightly off course, so that although it made it into orbit, it is not in the orbit they expected.
  • A second burn was due to take place at 18: 17 CEST, lasting only a few seconds.
  • A firebreak follows a tributary burn , the Shiel Rig Burn, and this leads onto the grassy west ridge of Shalloch on Minnoch.
  • The burn was a torrent and though a couple of small herling were caught where the frothing, peat-stained water met with the salt of the sea, no fish of any size were showing.
  • The Lawers Burn issues from the lochan and legend has it that an outlawed Macgregor once hid in a cave behind a waterfall of the burn .
  • In England, for instance, the words brook, burn , and beck show broad regional distribution.
  • Davis, who has written extensively about the dangers of our fire ecology, is well-acquainted with the burn area.