bullet train - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of bullet train in Hindi
bullet train Definition
- a high-speed passenger train. ( एक हाई-स्पीड पैसेंजर ट्रेन। )
bullet train Example
- Should Florida build a bullet train , and should it be done by a constitutional amendment? ( क्या फ्लोरिडा को बुलेट ट्रेन का निर्माण करना चाहिए, और क्या यह एक संविधान संशोधन द्वारा किया जाना चाहिए? )
- And that's not to even mention taking a boat trip through Britain's longest and deepest canal tunnel, watching a medieval jousting tournament, hitching a ride on a Japanese bullet train - and checking out a flying salami. ( और यह भी ब्रिटेन की सबसे लंबी और गहरी नहर सुरंग के माध्यम से एक नाव यात्रा लेने का उल्लेख नहीं है, एक मध्ययुगीन बाहर निकालना टूर्नामेंट देख रहा है, एक जापानी बुलेट ट्रेन पर सवारी को रोक रहा है - और एक उड़ने वाली सलामी की जांच कर रहा है। )
- Through the cracked glass of the window, we see a bullet train cruising by. ( खिड़की के टूटे हुए कांच के माध्यम से, हम एक बुलेट ट्रेन को मंडराते हुए देखते हैं। )
- On June 1, the group will travel on the famous Japanese bullet train - the Shinkansen - to Niigata for Ireland's opening World Cup game against Cameroon. ( 1 जून को, समूह प्रसिद्ध जापानी बुलेट ट्रेन - शिंकानसेन - को आयरलैंड के लिए कैमरून के खिलाफ विश्व कप खेल खोलने के लिए निगाटा की यात्रा करेगा। )
- Some day, it's going to need a subway, and elevated sky train, and a bullet train which runs from Chiang Mai to Phuket! ( किसी दिन, इसे एक मेट्रो और एलिवेटेड स्काई ट्रेन, और एक बुलेट ट्रेन की आवश्यकता है जो चियांग माई से फुकेट तक चलती है! )
More Sentence
- a bullet train that would whisk passengers at speeds of 150-250 mph along a Tampa-Miami route
- Japan has been trying to sell China its Shinkansen bullet train technology, while Germany wants to provide its maglev technology.
- During the latest tremors the bullet train to Niigata, 200 km northwest of Tokyo, was halted as a precaution but was expected to be running at normal speed by the end of yesterday, a railway spokesman said.
- In Japan we have the bullet train , but England has Concorde.
- The Japanese bullet train is one of the candidates for a planned high-speed train linking Beijing and Shanghai.
- He said the Japanese bullet train system had run for 40 years with no injury-causing accidents and contributed little environmental pollution.
- An earthquake in 2004 caused a bullet train to derail - the first since the high speed trains went into service 40 years ago - but there was no loss of life.
- Anyway, when I got back home I turned on the telly to see lots of pictures of a train station and aerial views of a shinkansen bullet train .
- Other options for the railway, according to state media, include styling it after the Shinkansen, Japan's high-speed bullet train , or two methods used in France - TGV and Inter-City Express.
- The bullet train is too expensive (about the same as flying), is only used for travel and occasional long commutes.
- Taiwan received its first bullet train , delivered from Japan on Tuesday.
- The Japanese bullet train helped the country immensely.
- Few players can carry out a game plan like this freight train with a bullet train 's speed.
- A York museum has proved a real ‘hot shot’ after gaining its second international accolade in two years - for its groundbreaking display featuring a Japanese bullet train .
- After the press conference, Zhu went to Tokyo station to take a Shinkansen bullet train to Kobe, western Japan.
- Japan's newest test model of the Shinkansen bullet train is unveiled to the media at its test center at Rifu, northern Japan, yesterday.