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bulge - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of bulge in Hindi

  • उभाड़ना


  • उभाड़
  • वृद्धि
  • लाभ

bulge Definition


  • swell or protrude to an unnatural or incongruous extent. ( अप्राकृतिक या असंगत सीमा तक प्रफुल्लित या फैलाना। )


  • a rounded swelling or protuberance that distorts a flat surface. ( एक गोल सूजन या फैलाव जो एक सपाट सतह को विकृत करता है। )

bulge Example

  • Computer screens glow, fax machines stutter out reams of paper and the filing cabinets which line every wall bulge with thousands of documents. ( कंप्यूटर स्क्रीन की चमक, फैक्स मशीनें कागज के रीलों और फाइलिंग कैबिनेट्स को हकलाने लगती हैं, जो हजारों दस्तावेज़ों के साथ हर दीवार को उभारती हैं। )
  • a bulge in the birth rate ( जन्म दर में एक उभार )
  • The huge prison bulge may temporarily slow down crime, as it apparently has, but as offenders are released, the number of new crimes can be expected to skyrocket. ( विशाल जेल के बल अपराध को अस्थायी रूप से धीमा कर सकते हैं, जैसा कि यह स्पष्ट रूप से है, लेकिन जैसा कि अपराधियों को रिहा किया जाता है, नए अपराधों की संख्या को आसमान छूने की उम्मीद की जा सकती है। )
  • Our unique demographic profile, caused by the 1970s baby boom, continues to produce a bulge in the population of young adults. ( 1970 के दशक के बच्चे की उछाल के कारण हमारी अनूठी जनसांख्यिकीय प्रोफ़ाइल, युवा वयस्कों की आबादी में एक उभार पैदा करना जारी रखती है। )
  • The hernia may look like a bulge or swelling in the groin area. ( हर्निया ग्रोइन क्षेत्र में एक उभार या सूजन की तरह लग सकता है। )
  • the telltale bulge of a concealed weapon ( गुप्त हथियार का उभार )

More Sentence

  • The children are obviously terrified: they swallow nervously, their eyes bulge , they stand with stiff little postures and when they lose, they look stricken and sob on their mothers' shoulders.
  • This is particularly true along the boundaries of the crescent-shaped Islamic bloc of nations from the bulge of Africa to Central Asia.
  • But as the baby-boomer bulge moves through the system, our pension debt will also increase.
  • Some say sluggish blood and lymph circulation allow fluids and toxins to accumulate, causing fat cells to inflate and bulge up against the skin.
  • During the 1960s, 70s and 80s there were high birth rates in the Muslim world, and this has given rise to a huge youth bulge .
  • It will be possible to continue New Zealand superannuation at present real levels through the bulge of the retirement of the baby boomers, because we are being prudent and investing now.
  • The main entrance to the station concourse lies on the west side of the building, signified by a slight bulge as the glass side wall curves outward.
  • Years bleed into one another as file cabinets bulge with extraneous information.
  • Ghana is situated on the large bulge that projects into the Atlantic Ocean.
  • These dots appear like perforations in a three-dimensional surface that, close up, seems to bulge and swell and recede.
  • He could feel the blood pumping through the veins that were starting to bulge out of the neck muscles.
  • And experience suggests that cultural and social shifts are likely to emerge from a youth bulge .
  • Carey's eyes seemed to bulge , the cords on his neck standing taut.
  • The bulge was back, and so were the cortisone injections.
  • Satan could see the veins in Simon's neck begin to bulge , his jaw tighten.
  • Newspapers bulge with travel advertisements and articles telling us about the wonders of the world.
  • His pockets bulge with change, because when he goes to a shop he can never hear when the assistant tells him how much to pay, and so always proffers a £5 note.
  • They calculate that the plume's buoyancy, as inferred by seismic imaging, is just enough to produce a bulge in the overlying surface that matches the superswell in size and height.
  • And the situation will become even more acute as the great demographic bulge of the baby boom moves into retirement.
  • the advance created an eastward-facing bulge in the line
  • Most pressing is the large demographic bulge of the baby boom, people who are going to be retiring over the next 30 years.
  • The reason it's ‘unsustainable’ is that the program would need more funds to get through the demographic bulge created by the baby generation.
  • The major sticking point was the fate of the Israeli-occupied West Bank, an oblong bulge of Jordanian territory that 800,000 Palestinians called home.
  • Jenkins' eyes, already wild and dilated, began to bulge as he fought for breath.