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built-up - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of built-up in Hindi

  • बना हुआ
  • निर्माण किया

built-up Definition

  • (of an area) densely covered by houses or other buildings. ( (एक क्षेत्र का) घरों या अन्य इमारतों द्वारा घनी तरह से कवर किया गया। )
  • increased in height by the addition of parts. ( भागों के जोड़ द्वारा ऊंचाई में वृद्धि। )

built-up Example

  • Moreover, the built-up area thus formed will become congested with buildings, paving the way for urbanisation and consequent environmental degradation. ( इसके अलावा, निर्मित क्षेत्र इस तरह से इमारतों के साथ भीड़भाड़ हो जाएगा, जिससे शहरीकरण और इसके परिणामस्वरूप पर्यावरणीय गिरावट का मार्ग प्रशस्त होगा। )
  • Parkwood Street is a built-up area where many children play. ( पार्कवुड स्ट्रीट एक निर्मित क्षेत्र है जहाँ कई बच्चे खेलते हैं। )
  • It was the expression of the built-up frustration and rage amongst Muslims against the British Government and landlords. ( यह ब्रिटिश सरकार और जमींदारों के खिलाफ मुसलमानों में निर्मित हताशा और रोष की अभिव्यक्ति थी। )
  • In line with customer expectations of large open and green spaces, most new projects try to keep built-up area to a minimum. ( बड़े खुले और हरे भरे स्थानों की ग्राहकों की अपेक्षाओं के अनुरूप, अधिकांश नई परियोजनाएं निर्मित क्षेत्र को न्यूनतम रखने की कोशिश करती हैं। )

More Sentence

  • The district council issued the notice because it decided there was no over-riding national or local need to justify such a development outside a built-up area, with access directly on to a main road.
  • I think that there's a lot of built-up resentment over the bad movies.
  • Counterattack in a built-up area consists of storming buildings and is conducted with relatively small assets from the second echelon force.
  • Police say the largely built-up area around the park has become one of the town's juvenile nuisance hotspots in recent years and a revamped park would help deter anti-social behaviour.
  • It happened in broad daylight in a built-up area crowded with people.
  • It aims to get a higher proportion of people out of their cars at the edge of the built-up area and help us ease congestion.
  • But Essex County Council said its guidelines prevented the speed limit being reduced as it is not a built-up area.
  • It's far easier to get a higher level of safety for pedestrians and cyclists in a busy, built-up area if you have traffic signals.
  • Despite the impression you may have of Hong Kong as an urban hell, its built-up area is actually concentrated in a relatively small area.
  • Although the site lies within a built-up area, in terms of location, it is remote from the nearest large settlement.
  • And the sort of smart weapon systems that we currently see used to great excess in the battlefield outside towns may not be so smart or efficient in a built-up area.
  • The plane should have been tested over the sea, not a built-up area, and I just feel there should have been an apology.
  • The whole built-up area of the town will be judged, generally speaking the area within the speed limits.
  • The more passionate scenes involve Bo and Vic, whose built-up frustrations and resentment towards each other explode in an angry fight at Patsy's bedside.
  • In the middle of all this woodland is Oxleas Meadows - it's easy to forget you're within the London postcodes here, and only the distant din of the A2 reminds you that you're in the middle of a built-up area.
  • The students have already acquired a built-up hatred towards each other and, by splitting them up, this hatred will only increase.
  • Every soldier's nightmare is fighting in a built-up area.
  • Designs in which any type of built-up platform (other than the bed platform) is raised off the floor are not allowed.
  • The York site is at Haxby, about 5 km north of the city center on the edge of the built-up area.
  • ‘They've built a lot of houses in the time we lived here and the place has changed quite dramatically, so from being right on the edge of town we are in quite a built-up area now,’ says Mike Burton, who moved into the area nine years ago.
  • It seemed that years of built-up anger and frustration had erupted.
  • Between 1980 and 2000 the built-up area of Britain more than doubled, even though the rate of population growth was slight.
  • The built-up roof's membrane is generally thicker and stronger compared to most other roofing options with its multiple layers and gravel surfacing.