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bug - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of bug in Hindi

  • बग
  • दोष
  • प्रोग्राम में त्रुटि
  • कीड़ा
  • मत्कुण


  • खटमल

bug Definition


  • a small insect. ( एक छोटा कीट। )
  • an insect of a large order distinguished by having mouthparts that are modified for piercing and sucking. ( छेदने और चूसने के लिए संशोधित किए गए माउथपार्ट्स द्वारा प्रतिष्ठित एक बड़े क्रम का कीट। )
  • a miniature microphone, typically concealed in a room or telephone, used for surveillance. ( एक लघु माइक्रोफोन, जिसे आमतौर पर एक कमरे या टेलीफोन में छुपाया जाता है, जिसका उपयोग निगरानी के लिए किया जाता है। )
  • an error in a computer program or system. ( कंप्यूटर प्रोग्राम या सिस्टम में कोई त्रुटि। )


  • conceal a miniature microphone in (a room or telephone) in order to monitor or record someone's conversations. ( किसी के वार्तालापों की निगरानी या रिकॉर्ड करने के लिए (कमरे या टेलीफोन में) एक लघु माइक्रोफोन छिपाएँ। )
  • annoy or bother (someone). ( परेशान या परेशान (कोई)। )

bug Example

  • The rugby league bug bit Adrian when he was six - his elder brothers took him to The Willows and Mary is convinced Adrian would have signed for Salford ahead of Leeds. ( रग्बी लीग बग बिट एड्रियन जब वह छह साल का था - उसके बड़े भाई उसे विलो में ले गए और मैरी को यकीन है कि एड्रियन ने लीड्स के आगे सलफोर्ड के लिए हस्ताक्षर किए होंगे। )
  • Little things that don't bug other people severely irritate me. ( छोटी चीजें जो अन्य लोगों को बग नहीं करती हैं वे मुझे गंभीर रूप से परेशान करती हैं। )
  • The flu bug is commonly believed to be a mere pest that can cause fever, nausea, and aches and pains - although it has had periods of pandemic proportions. ( आमतौर पर फ्लू बग को केवल एक कीट माना जाता है जो बुखार, मतली और दर्द और दर्द पैदा कर सकता है - हालांकि इसमें महामारी के अनुपात की अवधि होती है। )
  • More cases of the killer bug are recorded in winter with children aged under five and between 15 and 17 at particular risk. ( किलर बग के अधिक मामले सर्दियों में पांच वर्ष से कम आयु के बच्चों और विशेष रूप से 15 से 17 के बीच दर्ज किए जाते हैं। )
  • In one case permission was granted to bug the mobile phone of a ‘known criminal’. ( एक मामले में एक ’ज्ञात अपराधी’ के मोबाइल फोन को बंद करने की अनुमति दी गई थी। )
  • Under pressure from the Feds, Mark helped the FBI place a pea-sized bug in a home in a Boston suburb. ( फेड के दबाव में, मार्क ने एफबीआई को बोस्टन उपनगर में एक घर में एक मटर के आकार का बग रखने में मदद की। )

More Sentence

  • a custom program we used developed a bug
  • Chris died within a day of contracting the deadly brain bug meningococcal meningitis in January.
  • Joe was bitten by the showbiz bug
  • A flagship London heart hospital was forced to close for two weeks after 45 staff and patients became ill with a diarrhoea bug .
  • When the gardening bug bites you, it usually happens around this time of year - and there will never be a better time than now to start.
  • Since their introduction, the beneficial wasps have helped control plant bug populations throughout the Northeast.
  • he'd just recovered from a flu bug
  • Friends and extended family, though they may provide much support, can easily spread a cold or flu bug or other infections.
  • This new test, though, looks specifically for DNA from the human papilloma virus, the bug linked to cervical cancer.
  • Millions of records will appear on public web pages ‘through a bug in the system which has since been resolved’.
  • And after a trip to South Korea in 1999 Nadim got the bug to make surveillance his career.
  • They enlisted the help of a wire-tapper to bug the star's telephone and bedroom.
  • No one bugged me then, and I didn't want to bug these people, either.
  • Well, my problem is that he is really starting to bug me and he does these things that really annoy me.
  • Your particular problem is (in all likelihood) related to a bug in the program.
  • suffering from a flu bug
  • Bitten by the recording bug , Kate has just completed her debut album, which took two years to record.
  • When the gardening bug bit, I had no place to grow but in front.
  • And now even Pidí himself has caught the ice hockey bug .
  • However, at this week's hearing Detective Scott told the court that no conversations were recorded by the bug before its discovery.
  • Late in life the junk store/flea market bug bit Papa hard.
  • Yes, the spring cleaning bug has bitten and God help anyone getting in my way.
  • An angry mother has hit out at the state of Central Park Swimming Pool after the council closed it following the discovery of the killer lung bug legionella.
  • Jenna caught the Beanie bear bug young and now has about 60 of the bears in her collection.