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bucket - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of bucket in Hindi

  • बाल्टी
  • डोल
  • बालटी

bucket Definition


  • a roughly cylindrical open container, typically made of metal or plastic, with a handle, used to hold and carry liquids or other material. ( मोटे तौर पर बेलनाकार खुले कंटेनर, आमतौर पर धातु या प्लास्टिक से बने होते हैं, एक हैंडल के साथ, तरल पदार्थ या अन्य सामग्री को रखने और ले जाने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है। )
  • a unit of data that can be transferred from secondary storage in a single operation. ( डेटा की एक इकाई जिसे एक ही ऑपरेशन में द्वितीयक भंडारण से स्थानांतरित किया जा सकता है। )


  • rain heavily. ( भारी बारिश। )
  • (of a vehicle) move quickly and jerkily. ( (एक वाहन के) जल्दी और झटका से चलते हैं। )

bucket Example

  • If they answer ‘incorrectly,’ they get drenched by the bucket of water suspended from a stepladder above them. ( यदि वे If गलत तरीके से जवाब देते हैं, ’तो वे अपने ऊपर एक स्टेपलर से निलंबित पानी की बाल्टी से भीग जाते हैं। )
  • You just grab a big bucket of buttered popcorn, sit back and watch. ( आप अभी-अभी बटलर पॉपकॉर्न की एक बड़ी बाल्टी पकड़ते हैं, वापस बैठते हैं और देखते हैं। )
  • Trenton Hassell banked home a trey for the game winning bucket with the score knotted at 100 and just one tick left on the shot clock. ( ट्रेंटन हैसेल ने खेल जीत के लिए घर पर टिककर स्कोर बनाया, जिसमें स्कोर 100 पर गिरा और शॉट घड़ी पर सिर्फ एक टिक बचा। )
  • Stores in London and Manchester we visited were selling them by the bucket : two London locations had sold out their stock entirely. ( लंदन और मैनचेस्टर में जिन दुकानों पर हम गए थे, वे उन्हें बाल्टी द्वारा बेच रहे थे: लंदन के दो स्थानों ने अपना स्टॉक पूरी तरह से बेच दिया था। )
  • He was crushed to death when a loader bucket fell down a shaft on him. ( एक लोडर बाल्टी उसके ऊपर एक शाफ्ट नीचे गिर गया जब वह मौत के लिए कुचल दिया गया था। )
  • An ambulance spokesman told how the man was working in an eight-foot deep trench fitting pipes when a digger bucket fell on him. ( एक एम्बुलेंस के प्रवक्ता ने बताया कि कैसे एक आठ फुट गहरी खाई फिटिंग पाइप में आदमी काम कर रहा था जब एक खुदाई करने वाली बाल्टी उस पर गिर गई। )

More Sentence

  • Even worse, firing off a jump shot is no guarantee of making a bucket , even if you're not covered.
  • He's too lazy to use a bucket of soapy water and a broom.
  • Tethers were attached to the bucket and backhoe of the Bobcat while others were secured to the machine itself.
  • So I bought us a large bucket of popcorn, two hot dogs, two patties, a coconut water for me, a soda for her, and two Nestle Crunch bars.
  • When I went to Washington at Christmas I brought with me, at my sister's request, a giant bucket of Maltesers, and we sat and ate them, one after another, for hours.
  • Increasingly, that's likely to require an attachment other than a bucket .
  • a bucket and spade
  • Besides demolition, BROKK machines could also remove debris with a bucket attachment.
  • We either throw them into bath tubs full of water, or drag them under a shower, or dump a bucket of water on them.
  • Without it, the job would require an entire day and five laborers using a skid-steer loader with a bucket .
  • So he called his dad who brought up the tractor, and he got into the digger bucket and they maneuvered it up high into the tree and rescued her.
  • An attachable implement such as a loader bucket is attached to the actuator.
  • Every 60 seconds, a ball bearing drops from the left bucket on the channel to the waterwheel.
  • Use a small amount of Kerosene in a bucket of water for a shiny finish rather than detergent.
  • Water pours into the top bucket at a steady rate and gives the system energy while water leaks out of each bucket at a steady rate and removes energy from the system.
  • You can use this attachment with a wide bucket to dig.
  • I started with an old bucket from a front-end loader and removed the teeth and the grapple fork.
  • His arm was crushed by a large bucket on a digger.
  • His attention wandered to the thin, almost rat-like man stepping up to the teller carrying a large metal bucket .
  • In the final 18 seconds, he blocked two shots, including a potential tying bucket by Aaron McKie.
  • The happy couple had perched an enormous bucket of popcorn next to them, and as Hugo pirouetted into his seat, he managed to knock over the entire thing.
  • One shot captures him pouring a bucket of money over his head.
  • The Kademlia distributed hash table goes further and orders the nodes in the bucket in terms of recorded uptime.
  • A full investigation has been launched after a workman suffered severe arm injuries when he was crushed by a bucket on a digger at a recycling centre.