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bubbly - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of bubbly in Hindi

  • चुलबुली

bubbly Definition


  • champagne. ( शँपेन। )


  • containing bubbles. ( बुलबुले युक्त। )
  • (of a person) full of cheerful high spirits. ( (एक व्यक्ति के) हंसमुख उच्च आत्माओं से भरा हुआ। )

bubbly Example

  • Turns out, sushi and bubbly were made for each other. ( पता चला, सुशी और चुलबुली एक दूसरे के लिए बने थे। )
  • I never had the opportunity of knowing Martin because I am new to this Parish, but all who did know him regarded him as a friendly, outgoing, happy person with a bubbly personality. ( मुझे मार्टिन को जानने का अवसर कभी नहीं मिला क्योंकि मैं इस पेरिश के लिए नया हूं, लेकिन सभी जानते थे कि वह उसे एक दोस्ताना व्यक्तित्व के साथ एक मिलनसार, बाहर जाने वाले, खुश व्यक्ति के रूप में मानता था। )
  • What a highly original way to introduce a campaign - a special vintage bubbly - Traffic Awareness Champagne! ( एक अभियान शुरू करने के लिए एक बहुत ही मूल तरीका क्या है - एक विशेष विंटेज चुलबुली - ट्रैफिक अवेयरनेस शैम्पेन! )
  • I shall be on the ground waiting with a bottle of bubbly for her. ( मैं उसके लिए बुदबुदाई की बोतल के साथ इंतज़ार कर रहा हूँ। )
  • As part of the push for cash, the runners are urging sponsors to guess how long their epic journey will take, with a bottle of bubbly for the nearest guess. ( नकदी के लिए धक्का के हिस्से के रूप में, धावक प्रायोजकों से यह अनुमान लगाने का आग्रह कर रहे हैं कि उनकी महाकाव्य यात्रा में कितना समय लगेगा, निकटतम अनुमान के लिए चुलबुली की बोतल के साथ। )
  • The bubbly Italian can speak six languages including Spanish, French, Russian, Greek, and English, and now wants to learn to try her hand at learning Irish. ( चुलबुली इतालवी स्पेनिश, फ्रेंच, रूसी, ग्रीक और अंग्रेजी सहित छह भाषाएं बोल सकती है और अब आयरिश सीखने में अपना हाथ आजमाना चाहती है। )

More Sentence

  • However, those blinded by love may feel that Pink Pink Fizz's ripe, lively, appley, inoffensive cava bubbly is not highbrow enough for their tastes, in which case champagne's the thing.
  • I re-grouted the bathtub by myself, without even chipping my perfect manicure, before enjoying a long, scented soak using loads of gels, oils, bath salts and other bubbly items.
  • I did go shopping yesterday, so we have yogurts, fresh fruit, bubbly water, etc.
  • Prosecco, the light, appley crowd-pleasing bubbly of the Veneto region, is a step up from Spanish cava and an attractive value compared to champagne.
  • Once she knew who I was she became the same cheerful and bubbly person she had been when we worked together in ‘Belle's.’
  • She was bubbly , energetic, and had her way of doing things.
  • I remember her coming in with her two children, but she did not seem her normal bubbly self.
  • He was a bright and bubbly character and an excellent brother to his two younger sisters.
  • Howard poured a generous measure of Radox into the bath, and watched it slowly turn the water green and bubbly .
  • Perhaps they preferred bubbly drinks to soap bubbles.
  • So I've just spent an hour in the bath wallowing in bubbly stuff, salts, scrubs, my expensive shampoo and conditioner, and it was wonderful.
  • When I got to the window, it suddenly became clear that the staff seemed much older and more downtrodden than the bubbly voice I heard.
  • When she awoke this morning, she was bubbly and cheerful.
  • A connoisseur would shun the very notion of ‘spoiling’ this fragrant and bubbly brew by adding milk or sugar to it.
  • A hundred bottles of bubbly will be given out at midnight.
  • She was a bright, bubbly individual, full of character.
  • So opt instead for this soft, ripe, musky, apricot-stashed classic Italian bubbly .
  • Only the Bombay bubbly , which is a match for most £5-7 Aussie sparklers, distinguishes itself.
  • The galleries linking the chambers, often piled high with bottles of maturing bubbly , are named after places where Madame Pommery sold large quantities of champagne.
  • The door burst open and the cheerful Mrs. Casing with her kind eyes and bubbly personality walked in holding a package in her hands.
  • So I whirled this in the mixing bowl and placed in a greased baking dish and slid that bad boy in a 350 degree oven until it was bubbly and slightly browned on the top.
  • To celebrate, a bottle of bubbly will be provided to the couple following the ceremony.
  • After they wove through the crowd, he continued to be a gentleman and handed her a champagne flute filled with a sparkling, bubbly liquid.
  • Besides, says Oldman, a bottle of bubbly can make any meal seem like a celebration - and you don't have to worry about the vintage.