bubblegum - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of bubblegum in Hindi
bubblegum Definition
- chewing gum that can be blown into bubbles. ( चबाने वाली गम जो बुलबुले में उड़ा दी जा सकती है। )
- a thing considered to be insipid, simplistic, or adolescent in taste or style. ( स्वाद या शैली में निष्ठुर, सरल, या किशोर मानी जाने वाली चीज़। )
bubblegum Example
- He wants you to send him recordings of yourself popping bubblegum or chewing gum before May 1st. ( वह चाहता है कि आप उसे 1 मई से पहले खुद को पॉपिंग बबलगम या च्यूइंग गम की रिकॉर्डिंग भेज दें। )
- Stereotypical teenagers have heads crammed full of soap-operas and bubblegum pop, scorning politics and their parents in equal measure. ( रूढ़िवादी किशोरों में साबुन-ओपेरा और बबलगम पॉप से भरा सिर है, जो राजनीति और उनके माता-पिता को बराबर मापते हैं। )
- She kept on blowing her bubblegum , swallowed the bubble and blowed again. ( वह अपने बबलगम को उड़ाती रही, बबल निगल गई और फिर से उड़ गई। )
- She popped a piece of pink bubblegum through her perfectly white teeth and then offered some to Jake. ( उसने गुलाबी बबलगम के एक टुकड़े को अपने पूरी तरह से सफेद दांतों के माध्यम से पॉप किया और फिर कुछ जेक को पेश किया। )
- It's so frustrating when you're watching a wonderfully directed film and the tension is mounting - and suddenly someone is trying to sell you bubblegum in the middle of it. ( जब आप एक शानदार ढंग से निर्देशित फिल्म देख रहे हैं तो यह बहुत निराशाजनक है और तनाव बढ़ रहा है - और अचानक कोई आपको इसके बीच में बबलगम बेचने की कोशिश कर रहा है। )
- Admittedly, it was a perfectly toned bubblegum album, designed for maximum pop, but one that regretfully lost its taste after only a few listens. ( कुल मिलाकर, यह एक पूरी तरह से टोंड बबलगम एल्बम था, जिसे अधिकतम पॉप के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया था, लेकिन एक जिसने केवल कुछ सुनने के बाद पछतावा खो दिया था। )
More Sentence
- She is, though, a consummate pop role-player with a bubblegum voice and persona she can wrap around anything.
- While the local media is more than happy to glorify our emergent hip-hop scene they seem a little more troubled when it comes to dealing with a band who manage to balance indie with its supposed antithesis: bubblegum pop.
- Elvis Presley movies have a great deal in common with that ever-popular disposable youth culture invention: bubblegum pop.
- oddball colours like chartreuse and bubblegum
- When I was a kid it was run as a dry-goods store by a Mr. Rubenstein who always had a piece of sour apple super-bubble bubblegum for the kids.
- bubblegum capri pants
- The syrup comes in kid-friendly flavors such as blue vanilla, orange cream, cotton candy, bubblegum and even peanut butter and jelly.
- The group, named after the waitresses who served travelers in the American West from the late 19th to the mid 20th centuries along the AT&SF railways, combine the melodies of bubblegum pop with experimentation in sound.
- Although they describe themselves as ‘post-modern’ and ‘psychedelic country music,’ this is really just a bunch of kids playing bubblegum pop.
- The product comes in flavours like bubblegum , piña colada and banana.
- I've yet to see a more peculiar mishmash of rock, soul, blues and bubblegum pop on one concert disc.
- In the afternoons they were allowed to take a trip to the nearby country store - Bryant's Grocery and Meat Market - to buy sodas, sweets and bubblegum .
- ‘In the Zone’ is her third album and although not a total disaster, it is definitely not the bubblegum fluff her teenage fanbase expect from their pop princess.
- I have something of a soft spot for early 1970s British bubblegum , and this is one of the best examples.
- They are chewing very big wads of bubblegum , their jaws shifting around it.
- Some of these songs are as bubblegum and as playful as they come.
- One portrait shows a girl lazily blowing bubblegum , her face as round as her pink gum balloon.
- In another piece, a sculpture called Rebellion #1, the work is made entirely from bubblegum and chewing gum and creates a perfectly realised chicken ready for baking [albeit for small dinner party].
- The colour of the first successful bubblegum was pink because it was the only colour the inventor had left.
- No, what annoyed me was the young mother chewing on bubblegum and making popping noises with it.
- Each track is a perfect example of catchy, danceable bubblegum pop and Setzer restores each gem with the loving care and attention of an antique painting expert.
- I also asked him this: ‘If one stick of bubblegum costs a penny, how much would you pay for 1,000,000 sticks?’
- Then came Gum India, making bubblegum in a big way, till the bubble burst, when foreign players entered the market.
- The early '90s brought us grunge, there was the rise of hip-hop and rap, and the decade closed with a binge on bubblegum pop.