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broad-minded - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of broad-minded in Hindi

  • व्यापक दिमाग
  • दायरिक समज का

broad-minded Definition

  • tolerant or liberal in one's views and reactions; not easily offended. ( किसी के विचारों और प्रतिक्रियाओं में सहिष्णु या उदार; आसानी से नाराज नहीं। )

broad-minded Example

  • Boredom, lack of affordable recreational pursuits, poor incomes, absence of jobs thanks to militant trade unionism and lack of a broad-minded culture are some of the factors that put us on the road to alcoholism. ( बोरियत, सस्ती मनोरंजक गतिविधियों की कमी, खराब आय, नौकरियों की अनुपस्थिति के कारण उग्रवादी व्यापार संघवाद और व्यापक सोच वाली संस्कृति का अभाव कुछ ऐसे कारक हैं, जो हमें शराबबंदी की राह पर लाते हैं। )
  • On a similar theme, I quoted from Roger Scruton's ‘On Hunting’ a few days ago - not as broad-minded as it may have seemed, because I am anti-anti-hunting. ( इसी तरह की एक थीम पर, मैंने कुछ दिन पहले रोजर स्क्रूटन के ’ऑन हंटिंग’ से उद्धृत किया था - जितना कि यह प्रतीत हो सकता है, उतना व्यापक नहीं है, क्योंकि मैं शिकार-विरोधी हूं। )
  • I'd like to think the community of Otley and Yeadon is far more broad-minded and tolerant than that. ( मुझे लगता है कि ओटले और येडोन का समुदाय कहीं अधिक व्यापक सोच वाला और उससे अधिक सहिष्णु है। )
  • Although this is a family newspaper, I feel the readers are broad-minded enough to make their own judgment as to its suitability. ( यद्यपि यह एक पारिवारिक समाचार पत्र है, मुझे लगता है कि पाठकों को अपनी निर्णय क्षमता के अनुसार अपना निर्णय लेने के लिए व्यापक विचार करना चाहिए। )

More Sentence

  • These traits indicate someone who is more tolerant and broad-minded .
  • On the contrary, he was humane, broad-minded , and liberal.
  • Using as his main source Philip II's own words, Kamen paints a picture of Philip as a broad-minded ruler with moderate political views who tolerated both religious and intellectual dissidents.
  • But that doesn't mean the nicest, most broad-minded editor can't give folks the impression that it's OK to just like one genre of music.
  • With the assistance of four broad-minded citizens of France, Dunant was able to lay the foundation to start ‘The Red Cross' Movement.
  • However, he maintained a lifelong interest in the game and while a firm and committed Garrymore supporter, he was very broad-minded and recognised and appreciated the good players in all the clubs.
  • Now I'm a broad-minded fellow, but one sickening perversion we must not tolerate is the insertion of an apostrophe into the possessive 'its'.
  • Legend is the title of the one reggae album that every broad-minded progressive is guaranteed to have in their record collection.
  • Perhaps more important is how much we have to gain if we approach problems with the same broad-minded and interdisciplinary attitude that the Greeks themselves displayed.
  • Underpinning the drive to self-government was a self-confident, broad-minded , radical and internationalist perspective best embodied for many by Hamish Henderson.
  • However, we've found that people in Swindon are receptive to new ideas and are broad-minded about art.
  • It's allowed me to be broad-minded and open to all combinations of flavours,’ said Peter.
  • In the letter I wrote back, I said, ‘Yeah, they are good parents, but that's because they're very open and broad-minded and they've taught me to be like that.’
  • Being open, broad-minded and liberal can sometimes involve difficult decisions and being selfless against human nature - not at all the path of least resistance.
  • True upper-class ladies are low-keyed, cultured and broad-minded .
  • I really appreciate his sense of reverence and broad-minded tolerance for various religions.
  • The faculty hopes to impart specialized knowledge to its students so that they act more independently, see the world broad-mindedly , and think more flexibly.
  • Chinese companies have started to broad-mindedly utilize the possibilities that sensors offer for their business.
  • They were unanimous in their opinion that all these measures prove his broad-mindedness , secularism and his intention to give minorities equal opportunities.
  • ‘Of course,’ says Jurgen, more broad-mindedly , ‘these little family differences are always apt to occur in married life.’
  • I am looking forward to being part of a campaign to challenge students to think more accurately and broad-mindedly about the fundamental issues that affect their lives.
  • When oppressive becomes the conflict between reason and faith, let me broad-mindedly see my way clear to accomplish what I seek.
  • A nation rightly proud of its tolerance and broad-mindedness has come together, united by its horror at the country's first political assassination of the modern era.
  • They also wanted the store to help Oxford cast itself in a different light, as a place of culture and literacy and broad-mindedness .
  • There is at least one American liberal left who actually possesses some degree of broad-mindedness and capacity for self-reflection.
  • Tolerance, broad-mindedness and readiness to consider others’ points of view are no longer the hallmarks of your culture.