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brilliance - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of brilliance in Hindi

  • प्रतिभा
  • दीप्ति
  • चमक
  • दमक
  • झलक

brilliance Definition

  • intense brightness of light. ( प्रकाश की तीव्र चमक। )

brilliance Example

  • The authority, stamina, cool brilliance , and power of Nilsson's singing are evident throughout these two discs. ( निल्सन के गायन के अधिकार, सहनशक्ति, शांत प्रतिभा और शक्ति इन दो डिस्क में स्पष्ट हैं। )
  • During a long job interview process, consistency counts much more than flashes of brilliance . ( एक लंबी नौकरी की साक्षात्कार प्रक्रिया के दौरान, संगति चमक की तुलना में बहुत अधिक मायने रखती है। )
  • After six decades on the world's concert stages, Rosand's artistry and technical brilliance remain undiminished. ( दुनिया के कॉन्सर्ट चरणों में छह दशकों के बाद, रोसैंड की कलात्मकता और तकनीकी प्रतिभा कम नहीं है। )
  • lapis lazuli was highly regarded for the brilliance of its colour ( लैपिस लाजुली अपने रंग की चमक के लिए अत्यधिक मानी जाती थी )

More Sentence

  • Every now and then, there emerges a star, which, by its sheer brilliance , throws light far from where it originated.
  • Not a cloud was in sight and the stars shone with brilliance .
  • Additionally, the crystal was intensifying the light from her flashlight, and the resulting brilliance was near-blinding.
  • The rounded flakes, with less surface area to reflect light, lose brilliance .
  • But then his intellectual brilliance is matched by his enigmatic personality - you can't be sure what he's really up to.
  • We rarely hear Saint-Saëns for his piano music, except the brilliance of his second piano concerto.
  • For a system that boasts a dispassionate reliance on artistic brilliance as its arbiter, this anomaly is a crisis.
  • The brilliance of exploding stars flares across our room.
  • Two of the ballet's encounters stood out, imbued with a kind of artistic brilliance befitting their underlying influence.
  • Mia cried out in surprise of the brilliance of the light while the vampire hissed fiercely.
  • They were a red brilliance and gave the whole stone flooring a colour of blood.
  • That a thirteen-year-old could play Beethoven with such accuracy and brilliance astonished the senses!
  • With understated brilliance , she uses typical photographic structures to picture atypical family groupings.
  • The blue light flashed its brilliance once more, and the library faded back in existence around them.
  • Stars popped into brilliance with cap-gun like cracks, making me think of exploding light bulbs.
  • Closer to the moon, the numbers of the stars dwindled for the brilliance of the light from the moon overrode it.
  • As the morning sun shined brightly the sea reflected it's brilliance , sparkling in every direction.
  • It is as if all my cells respond to their brilliance and become light too.
  • But there is a sort of understated, brilliance to this funk track, more easily appreciated after several listenings.
  • The sheer brilliance of the light makes it difficult to judge the tones of the outdoor scenes he has painted.
  • Henry's natural inspiration partially comes from the excitement, brilliance and magnificence from the art world.
  • For the past week, one has heard the clarity and brilliance of his vision.
  • The dialogue is pitch-perfect, the acting a model of understated brilliance .
  • Beyond all that, he has an extraordinary sense of brilliance in shaping the film.
  • This wealth of sample-worthy material draws Axelrod's brilliance to light even further.
  • She saw the ripples in the water flowing towards that light, towards the brilliance in the dark.