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brief - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of brief in Hindi

  • संक्षिप्त करें
  • संक्षिप्त
  • मुख़्तसर


  • संक्षिप्त करना
  • संक्षिप्त नोट
  • संक्षिप्त विवरण
  • संक्षेप करना
  • वाद का संक्षिप्त विवरण


  • ख़ुलासा

brief Definition


  • of short duration. ( छोटी अवधि के। )


  • a concise statement or summary. ( संक्षिप्त विवरण या सारांश। )


  • instruct or inform (someone) thoroughly, especially in preparation for a task. ( निर्देश या सूचित (किसी को) अच्छी तरह से, विशेष रूप से एक कार्य की तैयारी में। )

brief Example

  • But surely he can't be a currently serving, if he abuses his brief so widely? ( लेकिन निश्चित रूप से वह वर्तमान में सेवारत नहीं हो सकता है, अगर वह अपने संक्षिप्त को इतने व्यापक रूप से गाली देता है? )
  • He stayed with the company until 1994, where his experiences bled into the brief behind Theatre Absolute. ( वह 1994 तक कंपनी के साथ रहे, जहां उनके अनुभवों ने थिएटर एब्सोल्यूट के पीछे संक्षेप में ब्लीड किया। )
  • Formal psychotherapy is difficult in a brief office visit. ( एक औपचारिक कार्यालय यात्रा में औपचारिक मनोचिकित्सा मुश्किल है। )
  • Once Heather saw that her mission had been accomplished, she sauntered over to Chez and spoke a few brief words. ( एक बार हीदर ने देखा कि उसका मिशन पूरा हो चुका है, वह चीज़ के पास गई और कुछ संक्षिप्त शब्द बोले। )
  • It covers ten areas, besides a brief foreword and a crisp introduction. ( इसमें दस क्षेत्रों को शामिल किया गया है, इसके अलावा एक संक्षिप्त प्राक्कथन और एक कुरकुरा परिचय भी है। )

More Sentence

  • This retained a lot of the edginess that you might associate with the band whilst adding the elements that was required from the original brief .
  • He didn't just file a brief ; he helped write one with the Center for Law and Justice.
  • Without any brief or instruction, the man had made his home in a clearing and even cultivated a small potato crop.
  • A brief visit to the temple in the house completes his morning routine before breakfast with the family.
  • The knight gave a brief nod at Pher's words, expressionless.
  • He'd asked to be allowed just one visit, one brief encounter with Angel.
  • She had hoped her brief explosion in words would have ceased his badgering.
  • Once we get a brief from a client there is a research stage and a brainstorming session.
  • She decided to pay a brief visit to one of the stalls herself.
  • When we receive a brief from a casting director, we go through our book of models and put forward who we think is suitable for the job.
  • They made us sit on seats and Nina began to brief us with the projector showing us the information.
  • The room Tripitaka entered contained about 30 women, all dressed in very brief clothing.
  • As Cheska and Steve starred at each other for a brief moment the only expression Cheska could not hide was fear.
  • God, how she wished she were wearing something more than her brief underwear.
  • Counsel for the plaintiff shall make brief written submissions in reply and on costs within 10 days after that.
  • Most of what you get from your clients in a creative brief is akin to stereo instructions in terms of dramatic impact and sheer volume.
  • This essay also showcases MacDonald's ability to capture the essence of a piece of music in a few brief words.
  • If you'll inform Crane as soon as possible, we can brief him and get him on the inside ASAP.
  • APA has filed an amicus brief in support of the policy.
  • It doesn't matter how good your brief and debrief are if you haven't got airplanes to fight with.
  • I didn't get out of my chair right away, her brief words deeply troubled me.
  • He took a mouthful of his ready made breakfast to hide the brief lapse in expression.
  • He has all the information you'll need and will brief you thoroughly.
  • With a brief word from his chauffeur, they were allowed admittance.
  • It recoiled, struggling to crawl away, and its features twisted into a brief expression of pain or rage.