bride - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of bride in Hindi
bride Definition
- a woman on her wedding day or just before and after the event. ( घटना के एक दिन पहले या बाद में एक महिला। )
bride Example
- Now there's a girl who knows how to dress for an event without stealing the bride 's thunder. ( अब वहाँ एक लड़की है जो दुल्हन की गड़गड़ाहट चोरी के बिना एक घटना के लिए तैयार करना जानता है। )
- the bride and groom left early last night ( दूल्हा और दुल्हन कल रात जल्दी चले गए )
- The only two people whose opinions should matter are that of the bride and the groom. ( केवल दो लोग जिनकी राय मायने रखती है, वे हैं दूल्हा और दुल्हन। )
- Remember that the bride and groom are going to be the guests of honor at this party. ( याद रखें कि दूल्हा और दुल्हन इस पार्टी में सम्मान के मेहमान बनने जा रहे हैं। )
- The bride and groom fed each other cake, and the recipe for the cake was given to Lily. ( दूल्हा और दुल्हन ने एक दूसरे को केक खिलाया और केक की रेसिपी लिली को दी गई। )
More Sentence
- True to her spirited image, the bride proposed to the groom as he sped around a track in California.
- The chair is for the bride to sit and the groom to remove the bride 's garter from her leg.
- The second part of the ceremony is performed by the bride and groom.
- The wedding ceremony can include the gift of a coin from the groom to the bride to acknowledge this role.
- The bride and groom may wish to give the timeless gift of crystal, in the form of a clock or vase.
- Danish brides and grooms used to confound the evil spirits by cross-dressing.
- It's interesting, Antonia, because brides and grooms are so much more pragmatic these days.
- Like all brides , Meredith was having seconds thoughts.
- How do I prevent the all too familiar pre-wedding bloating experienced by so many brides on their wedding day?
- Vulnerability to domestic violence may be encountered as daughters, sisters, brides , and wives.
- In the presence of family and friends, the grooms kissed their brides with love and tenderness.
- The Celtics have many superstitions and traditions surrounding weddings and brides in particular.
- I've heard of self-absorbed brides and grooms, but this is a whole new level.
- Traditional Japanese brides wear three wedding robes - a white kimono, a coloured kimono, and a white dress and veil.
- With the brides and grooms gone the suits played some dance music and the crowd started dancing.
- Therefore, parents take it upon themselves to choose the brides and grooms for their children.