brew - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of brew in Hindi
- शराब बनाना
- मदिरा बनाना
- निर्माणाधीन होना
- शराब खींचना
- काढ़ा बनाना
brew Definition
- make (beer) by soaking, boiling, and fermentation. ( बनाना (बीयर) भिगोने, उबालने और किण्वन द्वारा। )
- make (tea or coffee) by mixing it with hot water. ( (चाय या कॉफी) गर्म पानी में मिलाकर। )
- (of an unwelcome event or situation) begin to develop. ( (एक अप्रिय घटना या स्थिति) का विकास शुरू होता है। )
- a kind of beer. ( एक तरह की बीयर। )
- a cup or mug of tea or coffee. ( एक कप या चाय या कॉफी का मग। )
- a mixture of events, people, or things that interact to form a more potent whole. ( घटनाओं, लोगों, या चीजों का मिश्रण जो एक अधिक शक्तिशाली संपूर्ण बनाने के लिए बातचीत करते हैं। )
brew Example
- Trouble was now beginning to brew for or near him, if it hadn't yet done so. ( परेशानी अब उसके लिए या उसके आस-पास पनपने लगी थी, अगर वह अभी तक ऐसा नहीं करता। )
- The beer, a local brew called Schlafly, was quite good. ( Schlafly नामक एक स्थानीय काढ़ा, बीयर काफी अच्छी थी। )
- This ranking system makes for a very addictive brew . ( यह रैंकिंग प्रणाली बहुत ही व्यसनी काढ़ा बनाती है। )
- They brew cask beers using only traditional methods and use mainly locally grown hops wherever possible. ( वे केवल पारंपरिक तरीकों का उपयोग करके बियर को पीते हैं और जहां भी संभव हो मुख्य रूप से स्थानीय रूप से विकसित होप का उपयोग करते हैं। )
- When she wants to relax, she picks some leaves from each plant and makes her own herbal brew . ( जब वह आराम करना चाहती है, तो वह प्रत्येक पौधे से कुछ पत्ते चुनती है और अपना हर्बल काढ़ा बनाती है। )
- Both served up a lovely, lurid brew of greed, murder and deviously twisted or mistaken identities. ( दोनों ने लालच, हत्या और प्यार से मुड़ या गलत पहचान के एक प्यारे से रसीले काढ़े को परोसा। )
More Sentence
- Use this basic lemonade to make even better brew .
- She got a brew of her own and started drinking in big gulps.
- In fact, the brew was known as ‘small beer’ because it was weak enough to be consumed by children.
- Still, given the potent brew of personalities, it was natural that rumours would flourish, and they did.
- But here is the third element in the devil's brew .
- There's hot cider for all (grown-ups can spike the brew with pumpkin- and spice-infused vodka).
- Even though I have no idea where Belgium is, they brew a fine beer.
- It's a potent brew of emotions that is imparted with much laughter through tears.
- Human skin particles, pollen, and smoke are all part of this bothersome brew of irritants.
- The innkeeper who sat across from the hunter however gave a small whistle before drinking his own brew .
- This is usual the time when tropical storms begin to brew .
- Enter a new, super-strict manager at the old hotel, and trouble begins to brew in the air.
- he dug a brew out from the cooler and flipped the ringtop
- Slowly the black metallic brew brought us to life.
- I asked for a pint of his favorite brew , my American accent blowing any chances of local anonymity.
- Tests have revealed high levels of air pollutants forming a perpetual noxious brew in the worst affected areas.
- They brew Belgian-style beers as well as import brews from Belgium.
- We brew fantastic beer, but we want to lead with our restaurant.
- Then he drank the entire brew without bringing the bottle down once.
- Wright's powerful vocals are the final ingredient in this engaging brew .
- Toss back this special brew to help repair your burned-out muscles.
- You've just got to try drinking a herbal brew from a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner.
- Striding to the side of the room, she picked up a beer mug, a bottle of the local brew , and a rather thick straw.
- But, look, we have a rather toxic brew of electronic media that's certainly a contributor.