break into - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of break into in Hindi
break into Definition
- enter or open (a place, vehicle, or container) forcibly, especially for the purposes of theft. ( प्रवेश या खुला (एक जगह, वाहन, या कंटेनर) जबरन, विशेष रूप से चोरी के प्रयोजनों के लिए। )
- suddenly or unexpectedly burst forth into (laughter or song). ( अचानक या अप्रत्याशित रूप से (हँसी या गीत) में फट। )
break into Example
- We had to break into the house as we had lost the key.
- A thief can break into a car in under ten seconds.
- He tried to break into a car in full sight of a policeman.
- She is trying to break into journalism.